Blueberry Maggot (BBM): No blueberry maggot adults were found last week. However, the first fly was caught on Tuesday July 6 in Hammonton. [Read more…]
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Seasonal updates on diseases, insects, weeds impacting tree fruit and small fruit (blueberry, cranberry, and wine grape). Fruit Pest Alerts are also available via this category feed.
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Blueberry Maggot (BBM): No blueberry maggot adults were found last week. However, the first fly was caught on Tuesday July 6 in Hammonton. [Read more…]
Sparganothis Fruitworm Degree-Day Update: as of July 07, 2021
Based on our degree-day (DD) model for Sparganothis fruitworm, the window for egg hatch is between 895 and 1,890 DD (see chart). As of July 07, Sparganothis has accumulated 1,251 DD (using April 15 as biofix). This indicates that most eggs should have hatched by now and fruit is susceptible to infestation. Most beds are out of bloom (early varieties) or should be coming out of bloom. If trap counts have been high and you have not done so already, then you should consider treatment in the next few days to prevent damage to berries. Your best post-bloom options are Diazinon, Intrepid, Altacor, or Delegate. All treatments for lepidopteran pests should be done before the end of this week to avoid substantial injury to fruit.
Root-feeding Pests of Cranberries
If your beds have damage caused by root-feeding insects, you should consider treatment with Imidacloprid (e.g. Admire Pro, Alias 4F, Alias 2F) after bees are removed. Occurrence of root-feeding insects will manifest by the presence of dead patches (see picture). Pulling dead vines and searching through the root zone and soil are needed to reveal the presence of larvae. Admire Pro (imidacloprid) is labeled for the control of cranberry rootworm, white grubs (Phyllophaga spp.), and other scarabs in cranberries.
White grubs, Phyllophaga spp. There are several species of white grubs that infest cranberries in New Jersey, the most abundant being P. georgiana. Grubs are C-shaped and often found near bog margins. Adults are reddish brown and nocturnal. Grubs attack the cranberry roots; adults have not been reported to feed on cranberries. See pictures of grubs and adults in cranberries. The life cycles and abundance of white grub species in New Jersey is not well known. Most likely, Phyllophaga grubs have a 3-year life cycle (based on previous reports and our own observations). Eggs are laid in late-June and July, and will hatch in July. First instars can be found in late-July and August and turn into second instars by the end of August-September. The second instar grubs will overwinter. These grubs will feed the following year until June and molt to third insta
rs, which will overwinter. The following year, the third instars will feed for some time and then begin to pupate in June. Pupation will take place in July-August. Adults will appear in the soil in August-September. Adults will remain in the soil and overwinter. They will emerge in June, mate, and begin to lay eggs, completing the cycle.
Cranberry rootworm (Chrysomelidae). Pupation starts in late May and beetles emerge in early June. Adults (see picture) are nocturnal and hide in leaf litter. Adults can be easily picked up in a
sweep net. Females feed on foliage before laying eggs. Young larvae will feed on roots, and feeding continues until October. The mature larvae (see picture) move down the soil in the fall to overwinter. Holding of the water will delay onset of pupation. Rootworm has a 1-year life cycle. Entomopathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) can be used to control cranberry rootworm.
Use of Imidacloprid. If treatment is needed, use imidacloprid (Admire Pro or other generic insecticides such as Alias 4F) to control white grubs and rootworms. Imidacloprid works best against early- (1st-2nd) instar grubs. Imidacloprid should be used after bees are taken out of beds. Because of the 3-year life cycle, treatment should be continued for 2-3 consecutive years to ensure control. Imidacloprid (active ingredient) is a neonicotinoid insecticide registered for use in cranberries against cranberry rootworm and scarab grubs. This insecticide is a contact and stomach poison that affects the insect
nervous system. It is highly systemic and toxic to honey bees; therefore, can be used only as a post-pollination insecticide. Imidacloprid can be applied by ground or by chemigation. Aerial application of this product is prohibited. Imidacloprid has a long residual activity (> 100 days) as long as the insecticide is not directly exposed to the sun. Admire Pro can be used at 7-14 fl oz/acre. A maximum of 14 fl oz of Admire Pro can be used per acre per season. The PHI is 30 days.
We continue to get questions about what signage is required for an audit or the Produce Safety Rule and where to get them. Not all the signs listed below are, but handwashing and visitor signs need to be posted in English and in the language of the workers. For example, if you have a mixture of Spanish and Creole speakers, you will need signs in three languages.
The signs and posters listed below are available at the following locations – Rutgers Cooperative Extension office in Cumberland County (291 Morton Ave., Millville Tel. 856-451-2800 x 1) or Rutgers Cooperative Extension office in Mercer County (1440 Parkside Ave., Ewing, NJ 08638 Tel. 609-989-6830). If you would like any of the signs, please call the office to schedule a pick-up.
Please Wash Your Hands Often! (8.5x11inches) – English, Spanish, Creole, Chinese, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Vietnamese.
Please Put Used Toilet Paper in the Toilet (8.5×11 inches) – English and Spanish
Please Use Toilets Provided in the Field (8.5×11 inches) – English and Spanish
When Must Hands Be Washed (8.5×11 and 21.5×27.5 inches) – English and Spanish
Health and Safety Notice for Visitors (21.5×27.5 inches) – English and Spanish
Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces (21.5×27.5 inches) – English and Spanish
Service Animals Covered by the ADA are Welcome Here (8.5×11 and 21.5×27.5 inches) – English and Spanish
Many of these signs can also be downloaded from our revised website starting July 1st.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical and essential role of farm labor in getting food from farm to plate. However, health concerns should not stop with a negative COVID test or vaccine, especially if an employee or family member is exhibiting any of the ‘flu-like’ symptoms that are associated with corona virus.
From the Vermont Law School Center for Agriculture and Food Systems (CAFS) – “The CAFS launched the Food System Worker Law and Policy Project in 2021 with research focused on farmworkers, who—despite forming the backbone of a trillion-dollar industry in the U.S.—face a level of occupational risk unrivaled by most workers. From repeated exposure to pesticides and extreme heat, …. ” Their newly published “report titled “Essentially Unprotected: A Focus on Farmworker Health Laws and Policies Addressing Pesticide Exposure and Heat-Related illness,” … May 2021, provides an overview of the findings as well as policy recommendations that are urgently needed to protect farmworkers.”
Typically not seen until July, we’ve already had 3 heat waves beginning in May that expose workers to a number of potential health risks that may present very similar symptoms and can be equally health, and even life, threatening. Published studies from the Rutgers Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences suggest growing numbers of people worldwide are at risk of heat stress and related complications, including farmers and ag laborers working in high heat and humid conditions. Last year, OSHA-NIOSH released a Heat Index App (in English and Spanish at the Apple App Store or Google Play) featuring:
For more information about safety while working in the heat, see OSHA’s heat illness webpage, including online guidance about using the heat index to protect workers.
In addition to heat stress, harvesting and other activities along field edges, including going into the woods instead of using a portable bathroom facilities, create a high risk for tick bites which can also carry a number of diseases, many as or more debilitating than Lyme disease. It is critical for your employees’ health and well-being to get proper diagnosis and treatment for all of these ailments. This table illustrates how many tick-born diseases, as well as heat stress, all have potential symptoms very similar to those of COVID-19. Each is linked to additional resources at the CDC. In many cases, it may be the ‘other symptoms’ that may be unique to each disease and assist a medical practitioner with correct identification and lead to better verification with further testing.
Disease > Symptoms v |
COVID-19 | Heat Stress | Lyme Disease | Ehrlichiosis | Babe- biosis | Powas-san | Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever |
Vector* | Human | Black-legged Tick (a.k.a. Deer Tick) (I. scapularis) | Lone Star Tick (A. americanum) & Black-legged | Black-legged Tick | Ground hog(I. cookei), Squirrel (I. marxi) & Black-legged Ticks | American Dog Tick (D. variabilis) | |
Fever or chills | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Cough | X | X | |||||
Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing | X | ||||||
Fatigue | X | X | X | X | |||
Muscle/body aches | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Headache | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
New loss of taste or smell | X | ||||||
Sore throat | X | ||||||
Congestion or runny nose | X | ||||||
Nausea/vomiting | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Diarrhea | X | X | |||||
Rash | X | X | X | ||||
Other symptoms | X | X | X | X | X | X | |
Potentially Deadly/Disabling |
X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
*NOTE – main vector listed, but many tick born diseases may be vectored by other species of ticks, or different species causing same disease may be carried by different tick species.
Recently, New Jersey tree fruit growers have expressed concerns regarding the use of glufosinate for weed control in apple and peach orchards.
Glufosinate is a nonselective post-emergence foliar herbicide that can be used for directed applications around trees, vines, and berries. Glufosinate provides control of many annual broadleaf and grass weeds; however, control of large or well-tillered annual grasses, such as yellow or giant foxtail can be marginal. Glufosinate has no soil activity.
Work conducted by Dr. Brad Majek a few years ago indicated that direct application of glufosinate to the mature brown bark of the lower trunk may cause severe injury by killing the cambium layer at the point of contact ( However, this type of injury is not systematically associated with glufosinate application as we observed it in a trial conducted in 2017 at the Snyder Research Farm on mature “Pink Lady” apple trees which were not damaged following glufosinate application (Rely 280 at 64 fl oz/A). Additionally, injury in the form of vertical cracks in the of trunk bark have also be observed on apple trees exposed to glyphosate (, not only to glufosinate.
As highlighted by Dr. Dave Rosenberg (retired Plant Pathologist at Cornell’s Hudson Valley Lab) on his blog (, “NEITHER glyphosate nor glufosinate cause trunk injury to apple trees EVERY time that they are used or in every orchard in which they are applied”. Field reports suggest that injury is detected when trees are exposed to specific conditions that still need to be precisely defined. Dr. Rosenberg’s opinion is that “the potential for damage is significantly higher if tree trunks are hit with either of these herbicides during or just prior to periods of drought stress”. Under these drought conditions, “the additional desiccation from herbicide exposure may predispose the trunks to invasion by Botryosphaeria dothidea, a canker pathogen that is incapable of killing the cambium in healthy functioning trees, but which becomes very pathogenic in drought-stressed trees”. Dr. Rosenberg also suspects that similar injury can be observed on young trees following application of paraquat. Other stress factors, such as cold injury or previous bark damages, may also increase the risk of herbicide injury.
So, to safely apply glyphosate or glufosinate in peaches or apples, it is important following some guidelines that will help minimizing glyphosate or glufosinate damages to the bark: