Date: March 12, 2024 (Tue)
Location: Rutgers Agricultural Research & Extension Center, 121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Pre-Registration: Required, by March 11th. Contact Joan Medany at (856) 224 – 8030 or
$20.00 (Checks only, made out to Rutgers University). Lunch, Coffee and Pastries Included
Pesticide Credits: Requested for – CORE, PP2, 10, 1A [Read more…]
Fruit Crops Edition - Blueberry Section
Seasonal updates on diseases, insects, weeds impacting small fruit (blueberry, cranberry, and wine grape). Fruit Pest Alerts are also available via this category feed.
Subscription is through the general Fruit feed available via EMAIL and RSS.
2024 South Jersey Commercial Fruit Growers Meeting
2024 Grape Expectation – New Jersey Viticulture and Enology Symposium
The 2024 Grape Expectation symposium is a daylong series of lectures by professionals in viticulture (grape growing), enology (winemaking), and marketing. Lectures are designed to present new and relevant information to professionals and amateurs involved with grape growing or the wine industry. Pesticide recertification credits will be provided. Multiple tastings will be conducted during the symposium. Award-winning wines will be available for sampling in the N.J. Wine Showcase immediately following the symposium. This is the thirty-ninth year of the symposium. Come, learn, and spend time with your fellow N.J. wine professionals. Fore registration, please follow the instruction under the program detail.
Spotted-wing Drosophila National Impact Survey
Help us Protect your Crops Against Spotted-wing Drosophila.
What are we doing?
We are conducting a national survey to better understand the impact of research conducted by land-grant university faculty on spotted wing drosophila (SWD) mitigation across the United States.
Why are we doing this?
To advance research efforts focused on developing more effective and efficient SWD management tools to meet your needs.
How do you participate?
By clicking the link
Have A Say in Field Equipment Sanitation Research!
In an initiative to guide future solution and resources, the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) has designed the Sanitation of Agricultural Field Equipment Questionnaire to begin the research process centered around field equipment sanitation.
The research will develop a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with field equipment sanitation and work toward developing solutions that are effective, implementable and sustainable.
To introduce the survey and forthcoming research effort, Dr. Matt Grieshop Director at The Grimm Family Center for Organic Production and Research College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo says,
“We are a group of agricultural research and extension professionals from across the United States that are curious about grower and agricultural professional perceptions about the importance of field equipment sanitation to mitigate the spread of organisms that pose human health, weed, plant pathogen or other risks.
Agricultural field equipment includes tillage implements, tractors, harvesters, cultivation equipment, trucks, trailers, sprayers, mowers, or any other piece of equipment that is shared across fields.
This information will be solely used to help frame future research questions and outreach activities. It will not be published or distributed in any form. Answering should take 5 minutes or less and is completely voluntary and anonymous.
If you have questions, comments or concerns contact Dr. Matt Grieshop at
Thank you for sharing your experience. We truly appreciate the gift of your time and knowledge.”
Your participation is invaluable to future developments in the industry regarding food safety and equipment sanitation.
To contribute, visit here.
For any questions regarding this project, contact Thierry Besancon at
Thierry E. Besançon, PhD
Associate Professor / Extension Weed Science Specialist
Upcoming Webinar on Organic Approaches for Management of Spotted-wing Drosophila
A team of researchers across the United States is studying approaches to management of spotted-wing drosophila in organic fruit crops, with funding from the USDA-Organic Research and Extension Initiative. Their annual project webinar will be held on Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 2-3:30 pm Eastern Time. Please join the team members for this event that will update attendees on recent research and the emerging results from studies underway in various berry crops. Presenters will focus on recent efforts to release the classical biological control agent Ganaspis brasiliensis at organic sites nationwide, and will include Dr. Jana Lee (USDA ARS), Dr. Kent Daane (UC Berkeley), and Dr. Philip Fanning (University of Maine).
The webinar is free, but you must register in advance to get the link for this presentation. To register, please visit this link:
Register Today for February 6-8, NJ Ag Convention, Educational Events, & Trade Show
The 2024 NJ Ag Convention and Trade Show will be held Tuesday to Thursday, February 6-8 at Harrah’s Resort and Waterfront Conference Center 777 Harrah’s Blvd. in Atlantic City, NJ. Registration is required. The 3-day registration and VGANJ membership cost of $150 per farm for 2 persons and $25 for each additional person with your business. There is also a $75 per person daily entry fee option if you are not attending all 3 days and do not wish to be a member. All who register are welcome to attend this diverse and informative annual event. The convention is a cooperative effort with the Vegetable Growers Association of NJ, the NJ Department of Agriculture, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Rutgers Cooperative Extension worked with VGANJ and others to bring new educational events, activities, and offerings to the 2024 convention.
Some new and interesting events for 2024 for registered participants:
1. Tuesday mid-day “Lunch and Learn” trade show vendors presentations and free lunch for the first 50 people who sign up and obtain a ticket for this extra event at the registration booth on Tuesday morning. This event is sponsored by the exhibitors. Come see what exhibitors have to offer and find out what is new from industry.
2. Tuesday evening social and happy hour featuring a charity auction benefiting Shriners Hospital for Children with items to bid on from convention sponsors and trades show exhibitors.
3. Free skin screenings on Wednesday, February 7th from 9AM to 3PM with the Rutgers Cancer Institute of NJ. Space is limited and you must sign up in advance. To sign up see registration form and link:
4. The New Jersey Farm Bureau Womens Leadership Committee is sponsoring a Wednesday afternoon workshop featuring guest speaker, Lorenda Oberman, American Farm Bureau Federation Womens Committee and a panel of NJ Farm Women Leaders.
5. A Thursday, All-Day On-Farm Food Safety Training. The cost is $50/per person, separate from the registration fee to the Convention and Trade Show. For more information, contact Brandi at (856) 451-2800 ext. 1. For online registration and more information see:
6. A Thursday, 1/2 day Worker Protections Standards Respiratory Protection Training, Fit Testing and Record Keeping Workshop. Space is limited to 30 participants and is a separate sign up for registered participants to the convention – so sign up soon. For more information and to register see:
For more information about the entire convention for registration, hotel, and educational events schedule see Discounted room rates through the VGANJ Convention room block are available until January 29, 2024. See the VGANJ website for details. To sign up for tickets to the NJ Agricultural Society Luncheon on Wednesday or to get tickets for the Wednesday night awards banquet see: