The New Jersey Legislature is currently reviewing identical bills (A3521/S2422) which would establish an occupational heat stress standard and “Occupational Heat-Related Illness and Injury Prevention Program” under the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. As we monitor the progress of these bills, the Farm Health and Safety Working Group of Rutgers Cooperative Extension has launched an educational program on heat stress mitigation in agriculture which includes weekly “Beat the Heat” articles published in the Rutgers Plant and Pest Advisory E-Newsletter, an update to the Rutgers factsheet “Preventing Heat Stress in Agriculture” and a webinar series.

USDA photo by Preston Keres.
In partnership with New Jersey Farm Bureau, we invite you to join us for a two-part webinar series titled “Don’t Sweat Heat Stress in Agriculture”.
- Wednesday, June 5 from 7:00-8:00 PM
- An introduction to heat stress issues in agriculture. We will also share tools farmers can use to evaluate heat risk and recommended resources for guidance on heat stress prevention.
- Wednesday, June 12 from 7:00-8:00 PM
- An overview on signs of heat stress and corresponding first aid, as well as strategies for heat stress prevention. A panel of farmers will discuss their currently used strategies for employee management during periods of high heat.
You must register to attend these webinars by visiting
Questions? Contact Kate Brown, County ANR Agent with RCE-Somerset County, at 908-526-6293 x4 or