Conditions for good annual bluegrass growth have returned. Whether you adore or despise Poa annua, consider completing a survey which will allow us to collect valuable insights regarding the turf industry and opinions about managing this pesky grass. The results of this survey will inform a national project team of turfgrass weed scientists working to […]
Landscape, Ornamentals, Nursery, and Turf Edition
Seasonal updates on ornamental, nursery, and turf pests.
Subscriptions are available via EMAIL and RSS.
Companion Website Links:
Rutgers Turf Blog - Articles on turfgrass diseases and cultural practices for the commercial turfgrass industry. Subscription available via RSS.
Rutgers Weather Forecasting - Meteorological Information important to commercial agriculture.
Tea roses imported into the state have been found expressing rose mosaic disease
Inspectors at the New Jersey Department of Agriculture recently flagged an unusually high number of tea roses expressing rose mosaic disease. These roses were shipped in from out of state. If you plan to inventory this type of rose for the upcoming season, it is highly advised that you have conversations about this with your distributer and more importantly, obtain the required virus-free certifications. Rose mosaic disease is a complex of viruses that most commonly includes Apple mosaic virus (ApMV) and Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), and to a lesser extent Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) and Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV). Singularly or in combination, these viruses can all trigger mosaic symptoms.
Excerpts from NJ Department of Agriculture on the rose quarantine:
- Rose plants may be shipped onto the State of New Jersey only after they have been inspected during the growing season by a state inspector in the state in which they were grown at the time appropriate for symptom expression and found to be visibly free from virus diseases, especially viruses associated with rose mosaic disease.
- All shipments of rose plants entering the State of New Jersey must be accompanied by an official certificate or statement issued by the proper state official in the state of origin, certifying that the plants were inspected during the growing season at a time when symptoms would be apparent and found visibly free of plant viruses.
Every Farmer Counts! 76th National Farm Safety & Health Week – Sept. 20-26, 2020.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Ag and Natural Resources Dept Chair Nick Polanin has announced the good news that RCE has been able to hire Ms. Kate Brown as Program Associate II to work on commercial crop production in the RCE-Burlington County office. We welcome Kate to the job. In continuing some of the programs of retired County Agent Ray Samulis, Kate is now the Rutgers liaison to the NE Ag Safety and Health Coalition and has shared this news about next week’s celebration of National Farm Safety & Health Week (NFSHW). — Rick VanVranken [Read more…]
Register for the September Nursery Twilight Meeting (credit-bearing online webinar)
Thursday, September 24th, 2020
6:00-7:00 pm
Click here to register for the twilight meeting
Registration password: nursery
Click here to upload your government issued photo ID prior to the meeting
We will NOT be checking photo-IDs within the actual session this time around (to better protect your information). However, you will still need to be visible on screen to acquire recertification credits.
Upload directions: If you click on the photo ID upload link using a smart phone/tablet you will have the option of simply taking a photo of your ID and uploading it directly into the system. Otherwise, you can scan a copy of your photo ID into a computer and follow the directions at the upload link. If you are unable to upload documentation prior to the meeting, don’t worry, we are here to help; Tim Waller will work with you to verify your identity for NJDEP recertification credit purposes using the attendance roster to contact individuals that are seeking credits.
Please note: the file upload goes to a secure Rutgers folder and no one other than the session host (Tim Waller) can view. Also, if you upload your information for the September meeting and plan to attend an October meeting, you will not need to upload your information again (good for 60 days).
September 2020 Nursery Crop Twilight Meeting
NJ Pesticide License Recertification credits obtained: PP2 (2); 3A (2); 10 (1)
Online Program
5:30pm Webinar opens and visual attendance check
–Timothy Waller, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent for Cumberland County
(Recording begins) : Welcome Remarks
6:00pm Preparing for a successful season; Understanding the factors that contribute to pest and disease outbreaks– Timothy Waller, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent for Cumberland County
6:15pm Emerging pests and diseases of New Jersey nursery crops – Rich Buckley, Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory and Nematode Detection Service, Director
6:30pm Cultivating sustainable soils in ornamentals– Bill Errickson, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Agriculture Agent for Monmouth County
6:45pm Effective nutrient management via fertigation– Raul Cabrera, Rutgers Extension Specialist in Nursery Production & Management
(Recording ends)
7:00pm Additional questions; Adjourn
In cooperation with the NJNLA, NJLCA, and NJCTGA
- Register for event at the above link
- Include your pesticide license number and date of birth if you would like recertification credits
- After registration you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the actual twilight meeting.
- Upload a copy of your government issued photo ID at the link above
- Day-of: click the link in the registration confirmation email and select “join by browser-New” around 5:30pm
- Day-of: Have your video on if you wish to obtain credits
Additional requirements for those seeking credits:
- Licensed applicators with a recertification period expiring October 31, 2020 will be given an exemption from the NJDEP online credit cap of 25% and are eligible for all credits, otherwise this exemption does not apply.
- Verification of identity is required prior to or in short duration after the meeting
- Attendees must be visible throughout the entire session (with live video on) and must stay to the end.
- Polls can be randomly scheduled, & attendance will be visually monitored by a moderator.
- Call-ins (audio only) are not eligible for pesticide recertification credits as of now; you need a computer/phone/tablet with *live* video capability.
We are here to help you connect, please contact Tim Waller ( with any questions or concerns. Thank you very much for your willingness to cooperate within our online space!
Rutgers is dedicated to protecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe. Your information will be kept strictly confidential; used solely to meet NJDEP ID verification protocol for recertification credit. Any information will be deleted after 60 days.
Crop Insurance Deadline Nears in New Jersey
The USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) wants to remind New Jersey small grains producers that the final date to apply for crop insurance coverage for the 2021 crop year is September 30, 2020. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their existing policies also have until September 30 to do so. [Read more…]
Crop Insurance Listening Sessions Scheduled
As part of the 2018 Farm Bill, Congress required USDA’s Risk Management Agency to solicit feedback about improved crop insurance coverage options for farmers and ranchers selling through local food markets. This includes discussing how existing crop insurance programs can be improved, as well as exploring the possibility of a new crop insurance program. Sessions are scheduled for September 1, 2, and 3 for the northeast region. [Read more…]