Powdery mildew, Alternaria and Cercospora are three important fungal foliar pathogens that can cause early defoliation in carrots, thus reducing yields and making harvest difficult. Each pathogen produces distinct symptoms. [Read more…]
Vegetable Crops Edition
Seasonal updates and alerts on insects, diseases, and weeds impacting vegetable crops. New Jersey Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations updates between annual publication issues are included.
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Vegetable IPM Update 08/18/21
Sweet Corn
European corn borer (ECB) moths are still appearing in several locations, but numbers remain very low, and feeding has only occasionally been reported. ECB population maps will resume if second flight catches rise to high enough numbers.
The highest nightly blacklight trap catches of ECB for the week ending 08/18/21 are as follows:
Bellemeade 1 | Milford 1 |
Downer 1 | New Egypt 1 |
Medford 1 | Oldwick 1 |
Basil downy mildew reports are increasing in the region
For over a decade, basil downy mildew (BDM) has caused significant losses in basil grown in organic and conventional field and greenhouse production across the United States. At the time of its introduction, there were very few fungicides labeled for its control making it nearly impossible to grow a successful crop in many areas of the country. [Read more…]
Vegetable IPM Update 08/11/21
Sweet Corn
European corn borer (ECB) moths have been captured at more locations over the past week, but numbers remain very low, and feeding has rarely risen to detectable levels. ECB population maps will resume if second flight catches rise to high enough numbers.
The highest nightly blacklight trap catches of ECB for the week ending 08/11/21 are as follows:
Califon 1 | Jones Island 1 | South Branch 1 |
Crosswicks 1 | Medford 1 | |
Downer 1 | New Egypt 1 |
Vegetable Disease Update – 8/05/21
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight has been reported in southern and northern New Jersey. For more information please check the Vegetable IPM Update by clicking here.
- Southern Blight has been reported in sugar beet in southern New Jersey.
- Bacterial wilt is being reported on multiple cucurbit crops in New Jersey.
- Phytophthora blight is being reported in pepper and cucurbit crops. For more information on Phytophthora blight control please click here.
- Pepper anthracnose is being reported in southern New Jersey. For more information on preparing for pepper anthracnose please click here.
- Cucurbit downy mildew has been reported on cucumber (6/16/21) and cantaloupe (6/22/21) in southern New Jersey. There have been no reports of CDM on other cucurbit hosts in the region to date. For more information on CDM and its control please click here. To track the progress of CDM please visit the CDM forecasting website.
- No reports of Late blight in the region. To track the progress of Late blight in the US please click here.
- Cucurbit powdery mildew has been reported on summer squash, butternut, and spaghetti squash as we are now headed into mid-summer. Please scout fields on a regular basis and initiate a preventative fungicide program if you haven’t already done so. For more information on CPM control please click here.
- Bacterial leaf spot (BLS) continues to be reported on bell and non-bell peppers in southern New Jersey. For more information on our continuing survey for BLS and copper resistance detection in tomato and pepper please click here.
- For an update on Dickeya dianthicola research in potato please click here.
- The 2020/2021 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Guide is available for free online.
- For a quick review on managing fungicide resistance development using tank mixes and fungicide rotations, and information on FRAC group 4, FRAC group 7, and FRAC group 3 and FRAC group 11 fungicides please click on hyperlinks.
Vegetable IPM Update 08/04/21
Sweet Corn
European corn borer (ECB) moths have been captured at a few more locations over the past week, although recording sites are relatively few and numbers are very low. ECB population maps will resume if second flight catches rise to high enough numbers.
The highest nightly trap catches of ECB for the week ending 08/04/21 are as follows:
Blairstown 1 | Hillsborough 1 | New Egypt 1 |
Downer 1 | Medford 1 | |
Flanders 1 | Milltown 1 |