Asparagus season is just around the corner and now is a good time to review important diseases.
Wet soil conditions are ideal for Phytophthora and Pythium development. To help reduce potential losses, especially in fields with low spots or fields that are poorly drained soils, or more importantly, in fields with a history of either disease apply Orondis Gold (oxathiapiprolin + mefenoxam (FRAC groups 49 + 4) at 4.8 to 9.6 fl oz/A, Ridomil Gold 4SL (mefenoxam, 4) at 1.0 pt/A, or Ultra Flourish 2E/A (mefenoxam, 4) at 2.0 pt/A, or MetaStar 2E (metalaxyl, 4) at 2.0 qt/A over beds just before first harvest. For new plantings, apply the same after planting or after crown covering. Do not apply Orondis Gold, Ridomil, Ultra Flourish, or MetaStar one day prior to harvest or illegal residues may result. [Read more…]