Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): The third brood should be treated based on the timings below. Overall pest pressure is light with some exceptions in northern counties.
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Rutgers Cooperative Extension
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Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): The third brood should be treated based on the timings below. Overall pest pressure is light with some exceptions in northern counties.
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Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): While we are still between flights, trap counts indicate a slight pick up of moth activity for the start of the 3rd flight. The first insecticides will be due by the middle of the month in southern counties and about a week later in northern counties. Time your sprays according to the following table:
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Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): We are between 2nd and 3rd generation broods in southern counties, but still treating emerging larvae in northern counties. Growers who have trap counts that are less than 6 moths per trap can skip insecticides that are intended for OFM. If trap counts are higher, then time your sprays according to the following table:
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Auditors have noted that on handwashing stations some have a label which says “Not potable water.” If a grower is doing the USDA GAP or Harmonized audits, the water in handwashing stations must meet the “Microbial standard for drinking water.” If a label is on the wash station marked not potable, the grower is not in compliance. Check G-9 in the GAP or 2.2.5 in the Field Operations and Harvesting Harmonized Food Safety Standard for more details.
Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): Second generation flights are very low in most areas. By all indications this generation should produce much lower pressure than the 1st generation. Any insecticides which are applied now should target this generation. Growers who have trap counts that are less than 6 moths per trap can skip insecticides that are intended for OFM. If trap counts are higher, then time your sprays according to the following table:
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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB): Adults are occasionally seen during orchard scouting. Knock down materials will be required for the remainder of the season in orchards with BMSB populations.
Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): Second generation flights are very low in most areas. By all indications this generation should produce much lower pressure than the 1st generation. Any insecticides which are applied now should target this generation. Growers who have trap counts that are less than 6 moths per trap can skip insecticides that are intended for OFM. If trap counts are higher, then time your sprays according to the following table:
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