Estimating costs of production for individual crops can be challenging, but an important practice to understand where there might be areas for savings or investment in better inputs. It becomes even more difficult when there are multiple crops grown on a farm. A new online tool is now available to make it easier. [Read more…]
Christmas Trees Edition
Seasonal pest alerts and news about insects, diseases, and weeds impacting Christmas Tree production including Commercial Ag Updates (meetings and marketing); and Pesticide Program updates from the Rutgers Pest Management Office News Blog.
Companion Website Links:
Rutgers Weather Forecasting - Meteorological Information important to commercial agriculture.
Ag Irrigation Water Log Template Simplifies Annual Water Use Reporting To NJ DEP |
As 2024 winds down and irrigation pumps are finally being shut off after a very long, dry season, thinking about calculating how much water was used to be able to fill out that NJ DEP report form in a couple of months is likely the furthest thing on your mind. However, the RCE Ag Water Use Log Excel Template <> can make that process much easier, whether you have used it all season, or just need an easier way rather than tabulating all those hours of pumping by hand. [Read more…]
Does your farm, ranch or ag business host visitors?
Be counted! If your farm, ranch, or agricultural business is open to visitors, please take 5 minutes to complete a short survey from our colleagues at the University of Vermont.
Click here to take the survey or copy and paste this link into your browser:
Virtual and In-Person Credit Meetings this October – Rutgers Horticulture Plant Health Educational Series
We invite ALL horticulture professionals (nursery, greenhouse, Christmas tree, vegetable, row crops, fruit, turf management, arborist, landscape professionals, etc.) to attend the following educational sessions surrounding overall plant health topics, pest management principals, and pesticide use and safety considerations. The events on Thursday October 10th and Tuesday October 15th will be virtual (& free), and Tuesday October 22nd will be in-person ($30 fee) at the Cumberland County RCE building (see below).
The virtual courses will count as in-person credits so long as you follow these instructions.
- MUST have a live video feed (and are visible the entire time), upload a government issued photo ID —AND— NJ Pesticide license prior to the meeting (1 time for both 10/10 and 10/15) via a secure Rutgers Connect folder (follow directions below, only the agents will have access to information for verification), and participate in all poll questions.
- MUST – UPLOAD Gov ID —AND— Pesticide License HERE – PRIOR TO MEETING (1 time for the whole series)
- “Last name_ First_ Photo ID” AND “Last name_ First_ Pesticide License”
- If you click on the photo ID upload link using a smart phone/tablet you will have the option of simply taking a photo of your IDs and uploading them directly into the system. Otherwise, you can scan a copy of your photo ID into a computer and follow the directions at the upload link. Please contact if you are having trouble with this and we will assist you.
Rutgers is dedicated to protecting your privacy and keeping your personal information safe. Upon upload, your files will be encrypted and stored to Rutgers Connect. Your information will be kept strictly confidential; used solely to meet NJDEP ID verification protocol for recertification credit; and will not be used for any other purpose. Your files will be deleted within 60 days after the training series.
October 10th (TH) – virtual:
- Click here to Register for TH 10/10 session
- UPLOAD Gov ID and Pesticide License HERE – PRIOR TO MEETING (1 time for the whole series)
5:30-6:00pm: Login and ID verification: 5:30 – 6:00pm, (Poll #1 at 6:00pm)
6:00 – 7:00PM: Beech Leaf Disease & Experimental Treatment Options – Jean Epiphan RCE
- Credits obtained: 2 each PP2, 2, 3A, 6B, 8C, 9, 10
7:15-8:15PM: How Chemicals Work and Which to Use – Tim Waller RCE
- Credits obtained: 2 each – CORE, 1A, 3A, 3B, 6B, 8C, 10, PP2
October 15th (TU) – virtual:
- Click here to Register for TU 10/15 session
- UPLOAD Gov ID and Pesticide License HERE – PRIOR TO MEETING (1 time for the whole series)
5:30-6:00pm: Login and ID verification: 5:30 – 6:00pm, (Poll #1 at 6:00pm)
6:00 – 7:00PM: Root Disease Management in Plants – Tim Waller RCE
- Credits obtained: 2 each – PP2, 1A, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 6B, 8C, 10
7:15-8:15PM: Designing a Pesticide Regime – Tim Waller RCE
- Credits obtained: 2 each – PP2, 1A, 3A, 3B, 3C, 6B, 8C, 10
October 22nd (TU) – IN-PERSON (Cumberland County RCE – 291 Morton Ave. Millville, NJ 08332)
5:30-6:00pm: Arrival and sign in.
6:00 – 8:15PM: Horticultural Plant Health – CORE 101– Tim Waller RCE
Credits obtained: 4 each – CORE, 1A, 3A, 3B, 3C, 6B, 8C, PP2
- Note for this in-person event (10/22/24) there is a $30.00 fee per participant. Only checks or cash will be accepted at the start of the event. Please make checks payable to “Rutgers the State Univ. of NJ”. Pre-registration is encouraged.
- Registration: By phone – Cumberland County RCE Office: 856-451-2800, EXT 1, or walk-in (but be early, session will begin on-time).
Agri-Technology and Research Twilight Meeting at RAREC
Agri-Technology and Research Twilight Meeting at RAREC
Thursday September 19th, 2024
4 pm until dark
Location: Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center (RAREC)
121 Northville Road
Bridgeton, New Jersey 08302
This year’s twilight meeting at RAREC will continue to showcase new agricultural technologies for stakeholders in the state. We will showcase the newly operating agrivoltaics system with specialty crops (fresh-market tomatoes, bell pepper, and eggplant) and soybeans growing beneath them and discuss new technologies for autonomous weeding. Specialists will also discuss their research and provide updates on fiber hemp, Christmas trees, native plants, invasive fruit pests, and vegetable disease.
Tim Waller, Cumberland County RCE Nursery Agent. “Nursery and Ornamental Research: Christmas Tree Pathology Studies and Native Plant Demonstrations”
Dan Ward, Director, RAREC. “Agrivoltaics for NJ: Progress and Promise”
Raul Cabrera, Extension Specialist in Nursery Production and Management. “Fiber Hemp and Weeds”
Ann Nielsen, Extension Specialist in Entomology. “Incorporating Insect Behavior into Management of Invasive Fruit Pests”
Thierry Besancon, Extension Weed Specialist for Specialty Crops. “Update on new technologies for weed management in sweet corn”
Andy Wyenandt, Extension Specialist in Vegetable Pathology. “Updates on vegetable disease control”
Monmouth County Twilight Meetings
Need credits? Join us next week for two twilight meeting opportunities in Monmouth County.
Rutgers Specialty Crop Research and Extension Center Field Tour
September 17, 2024
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
283 Route 539 Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
Join Rutgers Cooperative Extension for this FREE twilight meeting showcasing current field trials and a new row mulcher at the Cream Ridge Extension Center. The tour will be from 6 to 7pm, with refreshments and time for additional discussion from 7 to 7:30pm.
- Low Input Native and Ornamental Plant Trials
William Errickson, Agriculture Agent, RCE Monmouth Co - High Protein Soybeans and Hemp Field Trials
- William Bamka, Agriculture Agent, RCE Burlington Co.
NJ Pesticide License Recertification Credits: PP2(2), 1A(1), 3A(1), 10(2)
To register, contact Cathy Van Benschoten at 732-431-7260 or
Cream Ridge Field Tour Promo 2024
Twilight Meeting at Pleasant Run Nursery
September 20, 2024
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
93 Ellisdale Road Allentown, NJ 08501
Join Carl Hesselein, President of Pleasant Run Nursery, and Rutgers Cooperative Extension for this FREE twilight meeting. We will tour the nursery and discuss best management practices for container production of native and low-input plant species.
This twilight meeting will be geared towards growers, landscape professionals, and agricultural service providers.
NJ Pesticide License Recertification Credits PP2(3); 3A(3); 10(3)
To register, contact Cathy Van Benschoten at 732-431-7260 or