In 2004, cucurbit downy mildew re-emerged in the US with a vengeance causing significant losses in cucurbit production. In most years prior to this, concern for CDM control was minimal, since the pathogen arrived late in the growing season (in more northern regions), or the pathogen caused little damage, or never appeared. After 2004, with significant losses at stake, and with very few fungicides labeled for its proper control, CDM became a serious threat to cucurbit production. Importantly, at the time, cucumber varieties with very good levels of CDM resistance were no longer resistant, suggesting a major shift in the pathogen population. Research done over the past 19 years has led to a better understanding of the pathogen. Recent research has determined that the CDM falls into two separate clades: Clade I and Clade II. [Read more…]
Archives for June 2024
Vegetable IPM Update 6/05/24
Sweet Corn
European corn borer (ECB) moth captures are fairly steady at low levels in northern and central county light traps. Feeding has been detected in some whorl and pretassel stage plantings where scouting is occurring. Thus far, feeding has been mostly in single digit percentages, although one planting in Somerset County approached 20% plants infested. Feeding may be expected to rise modestly over the next two weeks. Whorl corn is the primary target for egg laying. Feeding may be present at higher numbers in the southern counties.
Look for the characteristic “shot-hole” type of feeding (photo below at right) and consider treating when infested plants exceed 12% in a 50 plant sample. As plantings proceed to the pre-tassel stage, ECB larvae may be found in emerging tassels (see photo at left). It is a good idea to treat individual plantings as they move into the full tassel/first silk stage one time. This eliminates any ECB larvae that have emerged with the tassels as they begin to move down the stalk to re-enter near developing ears.
Useful insecticides for this particular application include synthetic pyrethroids (IRAC Grp 3), spinosyns (including OMRI approved Entrust) IRAC Grp 5), and diamides such as Coragen or Vantacor (IRAC Grp 28) or materials such as Besiege which include the active ingredient in Coragen. It should be noted that Coragen or Vantacor, used alone, are not toxic to bees that may be visiting corn tassels during this stage. Synthetic pyrethroids alone should NOT be used for corn earworm (CEW) protection on silking corn. Control with these materials is very inconsistent.
The highest nightly trap catches of ECB for the week ending 6/05/24 are as follows:
Asbury 1 | Lawrenceville 1 |
Clinton 1 | Milford 1 |
Dayton 1 | Oldwick 1 |
Georgetown 1 | Princeton 1 |
Hillsborough 1 | South Branch 1 |
Tree Fruit IPM Report June 6, 2024
Bacterial Spot: Copper formulations should be used starting at petal fall to suppress bacterial spot. Generally we recommend starting at 0.5 ozs metallic copper and gradually lowering the rate as the season progresses. The rate applied will depend on the formulation. Dr. Lalancette published a chart listing common copper formulations and rates for peach and nectarine applications. Avoid combining copper with captan especially if it has been overcast for several days. Also avoid acidic spray solutions when applying copper. Dr. Lalancette has published a handy guide for copper applications in early covers. Antibiotics containing oxytetracycline may also be used and may offer slightly more residual activity during long wetting periods. We have not seen any bacterial spot symptoms as of this writing except for one location in a northern county. We are nearing pit hardening which usually occurs mid-June. Once fruit gets to this stage it develops some resistance to bacterial spot. Infections may still occur but will be less severe.
Oriental Fruit Moth: A biofix point for OFM was set on 4/10 in both northern and southern counties. All Treatments for the first generation have past.
OFM 2nd Generation Timing | ||||
Insecticide Type | ||||
County/Region | Degree Days by 6/4 base 45 | Conventional
1150-1200 1450-1500 |
1050-1150 1300-1400 |
1075-1150 1375-1450 |
Gloucester – Southern | 978 | 1st –June 11-15
2nd – too far off |
1st –June 7-10
2nd – too far off |
1st –June 8-10
2nd – too far off |
Middlesex – Northern | 867 | 1st – June 16-18
2nd – too far off |
1st – June 12-16
2nd – too far off |
1st – June 13-16
2nd – too far off |
Tarnished Plant Bugs; and Other Catfacing Insects: Catfacing insects are active, and activity is increasing with dry weather and summer temperatures. Very little recent fruit feeding has been observed.
Scale Insects: White peach scale crawlers began emergence around mid-May in southern counties and p. San jose scale crawlers began emergence around May 25 and will continue emergence for up to 6 weeks. Control options during crawler emergence include Neonicitiniods (suppression only), and the IGR’s Esteem and Centaur. See the NJ Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide and the product labels for more information.
Thrips: If the current dry spell continues Flower Thrips may become an issue in highly colored ripening fruit, especially in poorly managed ground covers that contain clover or other flowering weeds. Thrips damage appears as “silvering” and usually appears on fruit close to harvest. If populations are high damage can be extensive. Presence of thrips may be scouted for using a beating tray to detect the presence of adults and nymphs in the tree. Flowering weeeds and shrubs on orchard edges may also be scouted by shaking flowers onto a beating tray or a sheet of paper. Delegate or Entrust at the highest labeled rate are the usual recommended materials for thrips in stone fruit. Lannate may be effective in some orchards but has not worked well in recent years. These materials all have short PHI’s and may be applied close to harvest when damage typically appears. Thrips have also been observed to mark cherries. Damage is different than peach and appears as a dark streak in a similar pattern as silvering. See the NJ Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide for more information. Thrips have been seen in southern counties during scouting this past week.
Apples and Pears:
Diseases: Now that primary scab is nearing the end, or has ended, the focus turns toward summer diseases such as fruit rots (esp. Bitter rot), and sooty blotch and fly speck. Bitter rot control has been difficult at best in recent years even where management programs have been rigorous. Research has suggested Products such as Merivon, Luna Sensation, Inspire Super, and Aprovia may be effective, and longtime reliable broad spectrum fungicides such as omega, captan and ziram should provide control. Experience has suggested that the addition of phosphorous acid products such as Prophyt or Rampart to captan sprays may improve control. Observations are that these products improve control of other summer diseases such as sooty blotch and flyspeck, and may help suppress scab infections where present. Scab symptoms are appearing in some orchards statewide.
Fire Blight: Fire Blight symptoms began appearing in southern county apple and pear orchards the week of 5/20, and in northern counties the week of 5/13. Typically it is recommended to cut out infected limbs however this is a practical decision that must be made. This blog post from Michigan State may be helpful to decide whether it is worth cutting out infected tissue. Once the terminal buds set, typically in July, infected wood should be removed to prevent colonization by the bitter rot pathogen.
Codling Moth: A Codling Moth Biofix was set in southern counties on 4/22 and on May 1 in northern counties. See the NJ Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide for recommended materials and rates. Where Mating Disruption has been employed, supplemental Madex applications should be made at the timings listed below.
Codling Moth Degree Day Timing | |||||||||
Application and Insecticide Type | |||||||||
County Area | Biofix | Rimon:
75-100DD + 14-17 days later
150 + 450 DD Diamides – Altacor, Voliam mixes: (150-200 DD) |
250 DD + every 7-9 days during brood hatch (later if first spray is an IGR) |
Standard Insecticides – Delegate, Avaunt, OP’s, carbamates, pyrethroids
250 DD + 550 DD
DD | 75 | 100 | 150 | 450 | 250 | 250 | 550 | ||
Southern | April 22 | past | past | past | past | past | past | June 3 | |
Northern | May 1 | past | past | past | 6/2 | past | past | June 7 | |
Tufted Apple Budmoth (TABM): A biofix for TABM was set in southern county orchards on 4/30. The first alternate middle applications for TABM will be on or about 5/24 in southern counties. This has been considered a minor pest in recent years. Many materials used for Codling Moth will also control TABM.
Ambrosia Beetle : Infested trees are showing signs of stress. If you have had a history of this pest in your orchard, now is a good time remove and burn any trees that have been attacked as the flight appears to be declining or is over.
Wooly Apple Aphid (WAA); Green Apple (Spirea) Aphids (GAA): GAA colonies are beginning to appear in some apple blocks. GAA is generally a pest that can be tolerated since they do little direct damage. Treatment thresholds for GAA are if 50% of the shoots are infested with no beneficial insects present. WAA aerial colonies are also beginning to form in southern counties. This is about a month earlier than usually observed. In most years these are controlled by beneficials however in some years like 2022, serious outbreaks can occur. The best control for WAA is Movento applied before or when the first colonies appear. Diazinon is also effective at knocking down infestations. Movento will also control GAA and should control san jose scale when applied in mid-May, and suppress scale when applied in late May or early June. Do not combine diazinon, oil, or oil based penetrants with Captan.
Potato Leafhoppers (PLH): PLH adults began appearing in apples this past week. PLH should not be tolerated in non-bearing orchards because they can stunt the growth of new shoots. Likewise they should not be tolerated in orchards were fire blight is present because they have been demonstrated to spread the disease. PLH appear as light green smallish leafhoppers and are often found on the new leaves in the growing tips. Neonicitiods are generally recommended for control however there are other broad spectrum materials that are effective. Refer to the NJ Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide for more information.
Pear: Second generation pear psylla began hatching about 5/15. Options for control include spynosyn products such as Delegate and Entrust, and the neocitinoids (IRAC group 4A). The addition of 0.25-1 gal of summer oil may improve control. Other options include Movento, the IGR’s Esteem and Centaur, and products containing abamectin. Be sure to read and follow the label instructions regarding the addition of penetrants for abamectin products and movento. Pear Psylla are still actively laying eggs and nymphs continue to hatch.
Grape: Early blooming native grapes were at trace bloom on 5/24, therefore we have set the the Grape Berry Moth biofix at 5/24 for southern counties. Since V. riparia typically blooms with early natives we used Concord and Ives to set the biofix. The model works best when growers record their own bloom dates and use the Grape Berry Moth model at NEWA. Applications for GBM using Intrepid or Diamides should be made at 810 DD base 47. Other effective materials can be applied a few days later. Applications have been historically made around the end of June in southern counties.
Phenology Table: Based on annual observations made in Gloucester County.
Pest Event or Growth Stage | Approximate Date | 2024 Observed Date |
Bud Swell (Redhaven/PF-17) | March 23 +/- 15 Days | March 13 |
1/4″ Green Tip Red Delicious | March 31 +/- 13 Days | March 18 |
Pink Peach (Redhaven/PF-17) | April 4 +/- 15 Days | March 18 |
Tight Cluster Red Delicious | April 9 +/- 13 Days | March 30 |
Full Bloom Peach (Redhaven/PF-17) | April 9 +/- 14 Days | April 5 |
Pink Apple (Red Delicious) | April 14 +/- 12 Days | April 9 |
Full Bloom Apple (Red Delicious) | April 22 +/- 11 Days | April 20 |
Petal Fall (Redhaven) | April 22 +/- 10 Days | April 15 |
Petal Fall (Red Delicious) | April 27 +/- 13 Days | May 3 |
Shuck Split (Redhaven) | April 30 +/- 11 Days | April 22 |
Pit Hardening | June 15 +/- 9 Days |
Tree Fruit Trap Captures – Southern Counties
3/23/2024 | 70 | 0 | |||||||||
3/30/2024 | 29 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
4/6/2024 | 421 | 0 | 0 | ||||||||
4/13/2024 | 415 | 7 | 1 | ||||||||
4/20/2024 | 900 | 7 | 0 | ||||||||
4/27/2024 | 312 | 2 | 22 | 1 | |||||||
5/4/2024 | 137 | 2 | 8 | 27 | 1 | 5 | |||||
5/11/2024 | 6 | 2 | 15 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 42 | ||||
5/18/2024 | 5 | 6 | 11 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 12 | 41 | |||
5/25/2014 | 33 | 29 | 7 | 4 | 25 | 0 | 44 | 37 | |||
6/1/2024 | 719 | 12 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 44 | 57 |
Tree Fruit Trap Captures – Northern Counties
3/23/2024 | |||||||||||
3/30/2024 | |||||||||||
4/6/2024 | 0 | 0 | |||||||||
4/13/2024 | 3.25 | 37.6 | |||||||||
4/20/2024 | 11.75 | 93 | |||||||||
4/27/2024 | 0 | 19 | 50 | ||||||||
5/4/2024 | 1 | 16 | 19 | 124 | |||||||
5/11/2024 | 3 | 4 | 18 | 112 | |||||||
5/18/2024 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 83 | ||||
5/25/2024 | 7 | 5 | 0 | 16 | 8 | 23 | 55 | ||||
6/1/2024 | 16 | 7 | 0 | 28 | 7 | 21 | 37 |
Cucurbit powdery mildew control in 2024
Cucurbit powdery mildew (CPM), caused by Podosphaera xanthii, is one the most important diseases of cucurbit crops throughout the world. The pathogen is an obligate parasite, just like cucurbit downy mildew, meaning it needs a living host in order to survive. In northern regions that have a killing frost in the fall the pathogen will die out when the crop freezes. Not being able to overwinter, the pathogen must be re-introduced each spring or summer in the mid-Atlantic region. The pathogen accomplishes this by re-infecting cucurbit crops in the spring as they are planted up the east coast starting in Florida, then the Carolina’s, Virginia, and so forth. By late May, as soon as cucurbit crops begin to germinate in the mid-Atlantic region, the potential threat for potential powdery mildew infections begin. [Read more…]
TONIGHT: Webinar on Heat Stress in Agriculture

USDA Photo by Lance Cheung.
The Rutgers Farm Health and Safety Working Group, in partnership with New Jersey Farm Bureau, invites you to a two-part webinar series titled “Don’t Sweat Heat Stress in Agriculture”. The first webinar will take place tonight!
- Wednesday, June 5 from 7:00-8:00 PM
- An introduction to heat stress issues in agriculture. We will also share tools farmers can use to evaluate heat risk and recommended resources for guidance on heat stress prevention.
- Wednesday, June 12 from 7:00-8:00 PM
- An overview on signs of heat stress and corresponding first aid, as well as strategies for heat stress prevention. A panel of farmers will discuss their currently used strategies for employee management during periods of high heat.
You must register to attend these webinars by visiting
Questions? Contact Kate Brown, County ANR Agent with RCE-Somerset County, at 908-526-6293 x4 or
Preparing for important fungal diseases in Asparagus during the summer.
Asparagus growers should consider scouting their fields regularly during the summer months for foliar disease development. Important pathogens that growers need to scout for on a regular basis include Purple spot, Cercospora, and Rust. [Read more…]