Sweet Corn
The black light trap network has been deployed and is being monitored by IPM Program personnel. The corn earworm (CEW) pheromone trap network is currently being deployed. As adult European corn borer (ECB) and CEW begin to arrive in traps, population maps of these pests will be published in the Plant and Pest Advisory on a weekly basis. Additionally, maps of the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) will also appear in this publication.
A few European corn borer (ECB) adults have been captured in New Jersey over the past week. At this time, the highest number of moths captured has been from Salem County (see ECB map). As warmer weather becomes consistent, catches should increase across the state. Night time temperatures in the low 50°F range or lower will cause catches to develop more slowly. Larval infestations should not occur for some time yet. We will first see a significant increase in the number of traps registering catches. [Read more…]