A 24(c) Special Local Needs label has been recently approved for New Jersey for use of Reflex herbicide for Control of Weeds in Transplanted Tomatoes and Transplanted Peppers. The use of Reflex 2SL is legal ONLY if a waiver of liability has been completed on the Syngenta website (https://www.syngenta-us.com/labels/indemnified-label-login).
Reflex is a selective preemergence herbicide for broadleaf weed control with both soil and foliar activity, but it is only labeled for preemergence use in transplanted peppers and tomatoes. The active ingredient in Reflex is fomesafen, a PPO inhibitor and the only herbicide in this family labeled for peppers and tomatoes. Broadleaved weeds are the main targetted species of this herbicide, that also activity on nutsedge. Expect excellent control of pigweed, (including Palmer amaranth), common ragweed, nightshade, and common purslane, acceptable control of common lambsquarters, morningglories and galinsoga, and suppression of field bindweed and nutsedge at the rate labeled for transplanted tomatoes and peppers. Use of a surfactant will improves postemergence control of susceptible annual broadleaf weeds. Note that annual grasses and some annual broadleaf weeds, including spurred anoda or horseweed, will NOT be controlled by Reflex 2SL.
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