Cicadas are Here, There and Everywhere (Depending where you are): 17 year cicadas began emergence last week. These insects while a marvel in the insect world, are also capable of doing considerable damage to young fruit trees, grape vines, and blueberry bushes. After mating they begin to deposit their eggs in slits along small diameter branches. Thin branches which are loaded with fruit weight and damaged by egg laying can break. Some growers have asked about damage and what they can do to prevent it. Most egg laying is starting this week.
Fruit Crops Edition
Seasonal updates on diseases, insects, weeds impacting tree fruit and small fruit (blueberry, cranberry, and wine grape). Fruit Pest Alerts are also available via this category feed.
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Stinger herbicide 24(c) Special Local Need label renewed until 2025 for use on Highbush Blueberries
The NJDEP informed us last Friday that the 24(c) Special Local Need label for use of Stinger (clopyralid) herbicide in highbush blueberries has been renewed for the 5 years with an expiration date set on December 31, 2025.
This is a really good news for the New Jersey Blueberry Industry as Stinger is a crucial herbicide for control of troublesome perennial weed species that has consistently showed excellent crop safety when used accordingly to the label recommendations. The new updated 24(c) label can be found on the Agrian database (
Stinger is a PRE and POST herbicide that is strong on weeds in the composite and legume families, such as thistles, asters, dandelion, goldenrod, ragweed, horseweed, clovers, vetch and wild bean. It also controls nightshades, smartweeds, wild buckwheat and plantain.
The maximum labeled rate of Stinger per application 5.3 fluid ounces per acre (0.125 lb acid equivalent/A), and the maximum rate per year application is 10.6 fluid ounces per acre (0.25 lb acid equivalent/A). However, the rate needed varies depending on the target species:
- 2 fl ounces per acre (0.047 lb acid equivalent/A) will control seedling annual weeds such as common ragweed and annual vetch.
- 3 to 4 fluid ounces per acre (0.070 to 0.094 lb acid equivalent/A) are needed to control perennial clover species, horseweed, and groundsel.
- Most other susceptible perennial weeds require the full rate of 5.3 fluid ounces per acre (0.125 lb acid equivalent/A).
Optimum results controlling deep rooted and hard to control perennial weeds, including Canada thistle, perennial asters, goldenrod species, and mugwort (wild chrysanthemum) will be obtained if the Stinger application is split.
Apply Stinger at the rate of 5.3 fluid ounces per acre after blueberry bloom in early to mid-May when the weed is emerging. Some weeds can “survive” for months on established existing foliage even though Stinger suppresses all new growth. Tank-mix with another postemergence herbicide to increase the spectrum of weeds controlled. Be sure to spray adjacent sod and tilled row middles as well as the weed free strip under the blueberries. The application of Stinger timed to match the emergence of the perennial weed in the spring coincides with the time of year when the carbohydrate food reserves in the plant are at the lowest point. Treatment at this time reduces the weed’s chance of recovery and survival.
Apply another 5.3 fluid ounces per acre of Stinger to the marked rows, or sections of rows immediately after harvest in mid-summer. No growth of the target weed may be observed at the time of the second application. Spray the second application even though no growth of the target weed is evident. The second application is essential for the elimination of the hard to kill established perennial weeds. If the second application is skipped, expect to see the weed re-emerge in late August or September. Time all applications to maintain a 30 day PHI (PreHarvest Interval).
Stinger is both a postemergence foliar absorbed herbicide and a residual herbicide. The initial twisting and curling observed after application to susceptible species is due to the foliar absorbtion. Control of established perennials is due to residual Stinger in the soil which prevents re-growth from the roots. In certain species such as mugwort, Stinger prevents re-growth but does not kill the mature leaves. The plant will survive unless another herbicide such as Gramoxone or glyphosate is used to defoliate the plant.
Stinger can also be used as a wipe treatments by applying a 2% solution of Stinger in water (2.5 fluid ounces per gallon). Make a maximum of two applications with the total usage of Stinger from all types of applications not to exceed 10.6 fl oz per acre or 2/3 pint (0.25 lb acid equivalent/A) per acre per annual growing season.
Do NOT apply Stinger in a hand held sprayer used to “spray until wet”. Stinger is a residual herbicide that must be applied on a rate per acre basis. When treating “patches” of perennial weeds, apply the recommended rate per acre with a calibrated sprayer. Treat ten to fifteen feet beyond the weed “patch” on all sides. Spray the sod or row middles adjacent to the weed “patch” in the row.
Do NOT apply Stinger within 5 hours of expected rainfall or irrigation.
Do NOT permit Stinger to contact desirable foliage
Keep Up the Customer Communication!
Now that the dates have been set for the lifting of the face covering requirements indoors and social distancing requirements indoors and out (May 28th) farms have decisions to make. What will you require of your customers while on your property? How will you handle customers who expect more or less when it comes to COVID protections? The CDC recommends that those not fully vaccinated should continue to socially distance themselves from others and wear a mask, but these are no longer requirements under state Executive Orders. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare your employees and customers for their experiences on your farm this season.
1. Communicate your farm policies regarding COVID protections clearly online and on the farm.
2. If you choose to no longer require masks indoors at the farm be understanding of customers who may choose to wear a mask. “Mask-free” environments are not enforceable, those who wish to wear masks must be allowed to do so.
3. When possible continue to provide order ahead and pick-up of items sold at your farm. This allows those who are unvaccinated or wary of those who are unmasked to still be able to shop at your farm.
4. Prepare your staff on how to handle disgruntled customers. Who is the right person at the farm to handle these situations? Have a plan on who and how you will respond to these situations.
5. Realize that you will not make everyone happy. The best you can do is decide what your masking and social distancing policies are, stick to them, and communicate the heck out of them.
Important dates:
May 28th – Indoor mask mandate lifted. Businesses may require customers to wear masks indoors, but it is no longer mandated. 6’ social distancing required indoors lifted. Businesses may still enforce 6’ of social distancing. This does not apply to summer camp settings with children.
June 4th – Indoor gathering limits lifted.
Letter from Secretary Fisher Regarding Governor’s Executive Order #242 Lifting Major COVID-19 Restrictions
NJ Governor Murphy signed Executive Order #242 lifting major COVID-19 restrections and moving forward with the state’s most significant reopening steps to date. Indoor mask mandates and 6ft social distancing requirements will be lifted this Friday, May 28, and indoor gathering/capacity limits will be lifted on June 4. Secretary of Agriculture Douglas Fisher has provided a summary of the changes that may impact agriculture operations. The full text of his letter is attached here.
USDA Spanish Language Resources Now Available for Organic Stakeholders
The USDA has translated its organic regulations and resources into Spanish. Available online are:
USDA Organic Regulations
Organic Foods Production Act
NOP Handbook
Organic Integrity in the Supply Chain
Training materials
Video resources on certified organic FAQ, preventive practices, and recordkeeping
Tip/Fact sheets on topics ranging from soil assessments, composting, manures, orchards, livestock, dairy, meat, and others
Reminder – Virtual DOH/DOL/NJDA “Ag Stakeholder Engagement Call” 2pm, May 25
NJ Secretary of Agriculture Doug Fisher has shared this attached letter inviting the agricultural community to join a virtual “Ag Stakeholder Engagement Call” on May 25 at 2:00 p.m. Hosted by the Departments of Health, Labor and Agriculture, the Commissioners and Secretary will discuss NJ’s response to COVID-19, provide updates on mitigation efforts and guidance, provide science-based information on the COVID vaccines, and answer questions.
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