Peachtree Borers: The peachtree borer flight has peaked and most of the eggs have been laid and larvae emerged. [Read more…]
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
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Peachtree Borers: The peachtree borer flight has peaked and most of the eggs have been laid and larvae emerged. [Read more…]
The USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) wants to remind New Jersey small grains producers that the final date to apply for crop insurance coverage for the 2021 crop year is September 30, 2020. Current policyholders who wish to make changes to their existing policies also have until September 30 to do so. [Read more…]
Stink Bugs Apples and Peaches: Populations are little changed since last week, although slightly lower in most areas. Hot spots are starting to show up to 3% damage in southern county apples. Hot spots also exist in Morris and Middlesex Counties. In order to prevent damage growers need weekly BMSB effective materials, especially on the block edges that have woods borders. The most effective materials for apples include: Danitol, Declare, Endigo, Lambda-Cy, Lannate (short residual), Leverage, Mustang Maxx, Proaxis, Renounce, Tombstone, Voliam Flexi and Warrior II. [Read more…]
Stink Bugs Apples and Peaches: BMSB populations are becoming quite high in several northern locations. These populations have the potential to do serious damage to apples where populations are high. Growers with high BMSB populations should consider weekly insecticide applications and/or supplemental border applications with BMSB effective insecticides. [Read more…]
Stink Bugs Apples and Peaches: BMSB populations are generally low and little changed since last week. However, hatching egg masses are present statewide. Therefore populations can increase in the near future. As the peach season comes to a close, BMSB has the potential to be more of a problem in apples. [Read more…]
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD): The spotted wing drosophila is an invasive fruit fly which can infest sound ripe thin-skinned fruit. The SWD female has a saw-like ovipositor which she uses to literally saw through healthy skin and deposit her eggs, which develop into small maggots. At this time of year each generation takes slightly over 1 week to complete. Each female can lay about 300 eggs over her lifetime, and given the time of year it is, we will probably see 3-5 more generations by the time grapes are harvested. Over the past several years we have monitored SWD in vineyards during August through September. A well-known link exists between high populations of native fruit flies and the prevalence of late season sour rot in grapes. What we don’t know is how the prevalence of SWD might be able to aggravate or help increase the late season populations of native fruit flies, or if the total fruit fly complex (native and invasives) is higher because of the presence of SWD. [Read more…]