Fruit Crops Edition - Blueberry Section
Seasonal updates on diseases, insects, weeds impacting small fruit (blueberry, cranberry, and wine grape). Fruit Pest Alerts are also available via this category feed.
Subscription is through the general Fruit feed available via EMAIL and RSS.
Fruit IPM Information for 6/29/21
Fruit IPM for 6/22/21
Oriental Fruit Moth: Growers who have used mating disruption for OFM should continue to focus on PC; GPA; and catfacing insect pests as described below. For those growers using insecticides, the first of 2 applications in northern counties is due this week, and the second of 2 applications in southern counties is due next week. This is particularly important where the moth flight is exceeding the treatment threshold of 8 moths per trap. [Read more…]
Fruit IPM Information for 6/17/21
Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD): Cherries will need SWD protection. Effective insecticides for use on cherries include Asana, Baythroid, Cormoran, Danitol, Delegate, Entrust, Exirel, Imidan, Lambda-Cy/Warrior, Mustang Maxx, Malathion, and Verdepryn. Check the 2021Tree Fruit Production Guide for PHI’s and REI’s for U-Pick operations. rated products. [Read more…]
Fruit IPM for 6/10/21
Aphids: In most cases, aphid colonies have already been treated. Growers have used various products with varying results. [Read more…]
NJ Secretary of Ag Fisher Addresses Governor’s Executive Order #243
NJ Governor Murphy signed Executive Order #243 rescinding EO#107 which requires employers to accommodate tele-work options for employees, and also lifts indoor mask mandates and 6ft social distancing requirements for vaccinated employees working indoors in businesses not open to public. Secretary of Agriculture Douglas Fisher has provided a summary of the changes that may impact agriculture operations. The full text of his letter is attached here.
Spotted Wing Drosophila and Fruit IPM for 06/02/21
Oriental Fruit Moth: We are still between 1st and 2nd generations at the present time. Growers that have utilized mating disruption for OFM should continue to focus on PC; GPA; and catfacing insect pests as described below.