- Cucurbit downy mildew has been confirmed on cucumber in 2 counties in southern New Jersey. All cucumber growers should consider adding downy mildew specific products to their regular maintenance programs.
- Basil downy mildew has been reported in central New Jersey.
- Late blight has been reported in areas outside the mid-Atlantic region this past week. There have been no new reports of Late blight on tomato or potato in our region in the past week.
- Dickeya dianthicola has been found in potato in Australia.
- Surveying for Dickeya dianthicola in potato fields and irrigation sources in NJ is currently on-going. If you suspect Dickeya, please contact your county agent. The best method for controlling Dickeya dianthicola in your operation is to adopt a zero-tolerance policy.
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Vegetable Disease Update – 7/6/17
WPS “Protect Yourself from Pesticides” Poster Now Available
WPS “Protect Yourself from Pesticides” Poster Now Available
WPS “Protect Yourself from Pesticides” Poster Now Available
Cucurbit Downy Mildew ALERT – 7/3/17
Cucurbit downy mildew was confirmed on cucumber in southern New Jersey (Cumberland County) today. This is the second report of CDM in New Jersey this growing season. All cucumber growers in NJ are encouraged to add downy mildew specific fungicides to their weekly maintenance spray programs. All growers should scout cucumber plantings as well as all other cucurbit crops for symptoms. CDM has also been reported on cucumber in MD, DE, and PA. To track the progress of cucurbit downy mildew in the US through the CDMpipe website through NCSU please click here.
Vegetable Disease Update – 6/28/17
- Bacterial leaf spot has been reported in pepper and cucumber.
- Cucurbit downy mildew has been confirmed on cucumber in New Jersey.
- Basil downy mildew has been reported in central New Jersey.
- There have been no new reports of Late blight on tomato or potato in the past week.