In the 2017 survey of labor and mechanization of New Jersey’s nursery industry, pruning was ranked, the third most important operation, that needs mechanization the most (41 responses). In spite of obvious benefits such as efficiency, quality, and consistency, lack of practical information about the mechanized pruning is delaying the rapid adoption by container nursery growers. This article summarizes inputs from Chris Ruske of (Cumberland Nursery), Donald Blew (Centerton Nursery) and Ed Overdevest (Overdevest Nurseries) on pruning mechanization, shared during the panel discussion at Clayton in Gloucester County in January 2018. [Read more…]
South Jersey Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting – I
When: March 27 @ 7 PM
Where: Gloucester County Extension Office, 1200 N. Delsea Drive, Bldg. # A, Clayton, NJ 08312
7:00 PM: Welcome Remarks and Updates.
Hemant Gohil, Gloucester County Agricultural Agent, Rutgers NJAES
Comprehensive Understanding of Spotted Lantern Fly in Orchard Crops
Heather Leach, Spotted Lantern Fly Extension Associate, Penn State University. Invited Speaker, Heather leach is specialist on Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). She will speak on the comprehensive understanding of SLF priorities from every perspective and provide latest information on biology, behavior and effective management techniques.
Pesticide Record Keeping Update.
George Hamilton, Extension Specialist in Pest Management, Rutgers NJAES
Food Safety Issues Related to Tree Fruit Production.
Wes Kline, Cumberland County Agriculture Agent, Rutgers NJAES
Management of Scale Insect in Peach
Anne Nielsen, Extension Specialist, Fruit Entomology, Rutgers NJAES
Early Season Disease Control
Norman Lalancette, Extension Specialist, Tree Fruit Pathology, Rutgers NJAES
Scouting Observations and IPM of Early Season Pests
Dave Schmitt and Dean Polk, State-wide Fruit IPM Agent, Rutgers NJAES
9:30 PM Pesticide re-certification credits application and Adjourn
Light fare will be provided. Please call Joan Medany or call 856-224-8030 if you are planning to attend.
This site is accessible to the physically impaired. If an additional assistance is needed, please contact Hemant Gohil (Program Organizer) at 856-224-8029 prior to the meeting.
South Jersey Tree Fruit Meeting
Date: March 6, 2019 @ 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: RAREC, 121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Registration: Required, by February 28th Contact: Karen Holton (, (856) 455-3100 x4104
Cost / person: $15.00 (Checks preferred, made out to Rutgers University), lunch included.
Pesticide Credits: Core (2); 1A (07); 3A (07); 3B (01); & PP2 (07) (Applied)
8:00 am Registration
Coffee and pastries
8:25 am Welcome and Opening Remarks and update.
Hemant Gohil, Agriculture Agent, Rutgers Co-op. Extension, Gloucester County
8:30 am A Year that was – Environmental Stress effects on Peach Development.
Daniel Ward, Extension Specialist in Pomology, Rutgers NJAES.
9:00 am Key Pest Issues in 2018, and Possible Reasons.
Dave Schmitt, Fruit IPM Program Associate, Rutgers NJAES
9:15 am Peach Brown Rot: Improving Disease Control and Fungicide Resistance Mgmt.
Norm Lalancette, Extension Specialist in Tree Fruit Pathology, Rutgers NJAES
10:00 am Break – Coffee and pastries
10:15 am IPM tactics and beneficial insects in tree fruit.
Anne Nielsen, Extension Specialist in Tree Fruit Entomology, Rutgers NJAES
10:45 am Dealing With Spotted Wing Drosophila and Scale Pests.
Dean Polk, Statewide Fruit IPM Agent, Rutgers Cooperative Extension
11:15 am Plum curculio biology and management.
Clement Akotsen, Post-doc Research Associate, Rutgers NJAES
11:45 am Industry Updates and NJ Peach Promotion Council Updates.
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm How Herbicide Resistance affects Weed Managing in Tree Fruit Production.
Thierry Besancon, Extension Specialist in Weed Science, Rutgers NJAES
1:30 pm Pesticide Storage and Spills: Managing Risk.
Pat Hastings, Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator, Rutgers NJAES
2:00 pm Overview of Managing Orchard Soil Health.
Megan Muehlbauer, Agriculture Agent, Rutgers Co-op. Extension, Hunterdon Co.
2:30 pm Fruit Quality and Post-harvest Evaluations of New Peach Varieties.
Hemant Gohil, Agriculture Agent, Rutgers Co-op. Extension, Gloucester County
3:00 pm Open Session – Grower Questions and Discussion.
Spacing Robots – Experiences of the Container Nursery
Spacing is one of the most labor intensive and least desirable jobs on the nursery. Continuous moving, bending and twisting with filled containers is also the common cause of workers’ injuries. Using robots for spacing and moving, can address these challenges, however has its own challenges. During a panel discussion on the Nursery Mechanization, held at Clayton in Gloucester County on Jan 16, Donald Blew of Centerton Nursery, shared their experiences in using robots.
- Efficient Utilization of the Space: The big reason for Blews was not because they could not find the labor or because it was cheaper, but the fact that robots are good at spacing pots in hexagonal pattern and saving spaces and saves money on that. “If you draw a square and put your four pots in it, you have that extra space in the middle that is not being used. If you put them in a hexagonal pattern, you can use a little bit more of that free area that you have”. Robots can do that with precision. It saved them right around 10 greenhouses last year! At eighteen hundred square feet a piece, it is quite a bit of area gained. Previously, they could fit 24,000 three-gallon hydrangea in one greenhouse. Now, with spacing robots can add 6,000 more, with the same center-to-center distance between pots. So, for every three and a third house they saved at least one house. Other thing is that it lets you know exactly how many plants are going into the greenhouse which gives an ability to refill greenhouse after, say you shipped half of the greenhouse. There are calculations and online spreadsheets that make it easy.
- How does it works? No, they don’t work on GPS. They have very simple lasers and sensors. It is actually taking the number of wheel count, so it knows how far it is going by how many revolutions making. You apply a boundary marker, along one edge/side of the bed, and then put at least one container down-faced to establish the reference point or boundaries. Then enter certain parameters such as specifying either the square or hexagonal pattern, spacing between and within the rows, on robot’s human interface. “Mark the center with D.O.T. tape and now you can use two Robots”, said the owner of four such robots.
- Challenges: Biggest challenge is that it needs a skilled labor to operate and maintain, including charging batteries, every four to five hours. If you have four of them, you may need one person dedicated to just do that. According to Donald Blew ‘there are days when it can take a full day just to troubleshoot or repair the robots’. Machine is expensive, costs around 35,000 per piece. On an average people are getting five to ten years out of them. By the time you have paid off, it’s time to get a new one. However you can lease them through Farm Credit.
- Do your math before buying. Ask yourself how many man-hours you spend, doing the operation that robots could replace. Then do the math as far as payroll. If number make sense and handle the challenges then by all means, buy the Robot.
Spotted Lanternfly Basics Webinars
In conjunction with the New York State IPM Program and the Department of Agriculture and Markets, the Northeastern IPM Center will host a collection of webinars, titled “Spotted Lanternfly Basics.” Each webinar will focus on, and be tailored to, a specific commodity group:
Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Grape and Apple Industries (Feb. 26, 2019, 1:00 p.m.). Registration link:
Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Hops, Berry, and Vegetable Growers (Feb. 26, 2019, 10:00 a.m.). Registration link:
Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Christmas Tree Growers (Mar. 4, 2019, 10:00 a.m.). Registration link:
Spotted Lanternfly Basics for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Landscape Industries (Mar. 4, 2019, 1:00 p.m.). Registration link:
All webinars will follow a similar format that covers spotted lanternfly biology, identification, and hosts, monitoring and management strategies, and a regulatory update. While the content may be relevant to audiences throughout the Northeast, management practices covered will be specific to New York. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions.
For more information and registration links, go to:
Transitioning to Mechanized Potting – Adopters perspective
A panel discussion on the topic of ‘Mechanization of Nursery Operations’ was held on 16 Jan, 2018, at Clayton in Gloucester County. The panel comprised of progressive nursery growers of NJ, who shared their experiences, observations and perspectives on mechanization of potting, pruning and spacing operations. This article focuses on potting. [Read more…]