Be counted! If your farm, ranch, or agricultural business is open to visitors, please take 5 minutes to complete a short survey from our colleagues at the University of Vermont. The deadline for the survey is Friday, December 13.
Click here to take the survey or copy and paste this link into your browser:
The goal of this survey is to understand how many agricultural operations in the U.S. welcome visitors for direct sales and experiences, including pick-your-own, farm stands, tours, overnight farm stays, recreation, etc. This information will be used to inform future programs and support.
This research study is led by Dr. Lisa Chase, Extension Professor at the University of Vermont and Director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center. If you have questions about the survey, please contact or 802-656-7532. If you have questions about your rights as a participant in a research project, please contact the Research Protections Office at the University of Vermont at 802-656-5040.