A multistate Cyclospora outbreak linked to fresh imported basil was announced by the FDA late yesterday. For more information on the outbreak visit the FDA outbreak webpage. The New Jersey Department of Agriculture is closely monitoring the situation and will be communicating the latest updates.
Vegetable Crops Edition
Seasonal updates and alerts on insects, diseases, and weeds impacting vegetable crops. New Jersey Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations updates between annual publication issues are included.
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Vegetable IPM Update 7/24/19
Sweet Corn
European corn borer (ECB) moth captures have again declined to extremely low numbers, and no map will appear in this edition. Thus far, the second flight appears to be very weak, as is consistent with recent years’ second flights. Limited feeding should appear within 1-2 weeks, but may be obscured by fall armyworm (FAW) feeding by that time.
Growers should continue to scout whorl and pre-tassel stage plantings weekly and consider treating when infested plants exceed 12% in a 50 plant sample. As plantings proceed to the pre-tassel stage, ECB larvae may be found in emerging tassels. It is a good idea to treat individual plantings as they move into the full tassel/first silk stage one time. This eliminates any ECB larvae that have emerged with the tassels as they begin to move down the stalk to re-enter near developing ears.
Useful insecticides for this particular application include synthetic pyrethroids (IRAC Grp 3), spinosyns (including OMRI approved Entrust) IRAC Grp 5), and diamides such as Coragen (IRAC Grp 28) or materials such as Besiege which include the active ingredient in Coragen. Synthetic pyrethroids alone should NOT be used for corn earworm (CEW) protection on silking corn. Control with these materials is very inconsistent.
The highest nightly black light trap catches of ECB for the week ending 7/24/19 are as follows:
Denville 2 | Old Bridge 1 |
Dayton 1 | |
Eldora 1 | |
Long Valley 1 |
Corn earworm (CEW) moth catches have remained fairly steady (but highly variable) in blacklight traps, while pheromone traps have registered significant increases in some areas over the past week (see blacklight map at left, and pheromone trap map below at right). Catches from North Carolina remain highly variable, while Delaware’s catches are similar to our southern NJ catches while also exhibiting wide variability. While none of these catches indicate that a large scale migratory influx is underway, the trend has been gradual increase with scattered hot-spots. Red areas on the on the pheromone trap map indicate a 3-day silk spray schedule, while green indicates a 4-5 day silk spray schedule. Blue areas represent a 5-6 day schedule, and white areas are 6-7 day. There are far fewer CEW pheromone traps than blacklights, and the resulting map has much broader color bands as a result. It should also be noted that the pheromone traps are much more sensitive than blacklights. Therefore, the number of moths caught in pheromone traps required to generate a specific spray interval is much higher than the number caught in blacklight traps. It must be stressed that there is high variability in these catches, and growers should consult with their IPM practitioner on recommended spray schedules.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Alert – 7/19/19
Cucurbit downy mildew has been reported on winter squash near Glassboro in southern New Jersey (Gloucester County). This is the third report of CDM this growing season in the state. All cucurbit growers are encouraged to scout fields on a daily basis and begin preventative fungicide programs if already not initiated.
Vegetable IPM Update 7/17/19
Sweet Corn
There have been very modest increases in European corn borer (ECB) moth captures this past week. Most measurable catches occurred in central and northwestern Burlington County (see ECB map at left). These individuals represent a second flight. The next 2 weeks will give us an indication of how significant this flight will be. In recent years, the second and later flights have been very low. New feeding should appear within 2 weeks, but may be obscured by fall armyworm (FAW) feeding by that time.
Growers should continue to scout whorl and pre-tassel stage plantings weekly and consider treating when infested plants exceed 12% in a 50 plant sample. As plantings proceed to the pre-tassel stage, ECB larvae may be found in emerging tassels. It is a good idea to treat individual plantings as they move into the full tassel/first silk stage one time. This eliminates any ECB larvae that have emerged with the tassels as they begin to move down the stalk to re-enter near developing ears.
Useful insecticides for this particular application include synthetic pyrethroids (IRAC Grp 3), spinosyns (including OMRI approved Entrust) IRAC Grp 5), and diamides such as Coragen (IRAC Grp 28) or materials such as Besiege which include the active ingredient in Coragen. Synthetic pyrethroids alone should NOT be used for corn earworm (CEW) protection on silking corn. Control with these materials is very inconsistent.
The highest nightly trap catches of ECB for the week ending 7/17/19 are as follows:
Califon 1 | Folsom 1 | Milltown 1 |
Cinnaminson 1 | Green Creek 1 | Sergeantsville 1 |
Crosswicks 1 | Hillsborough 1 | |
Dayton 1 | Medford 1 |
Vegetable Disease Update – 7/17/19
- Cucurbit downy mildew has been reported on butternut squash in Gloucester County this week. All cucurbit growers are encouraged to scout their fields on a regular basis and to initiate a downy mildew specific fungicide program. This is the first report of CDM in butternut squash in New Jersey this growing season. To track the progress of CDM in the US please visit the CDMpipe forecasting website here.
- There have been no reports of late blight in the region to date. Phytophthora nicotianae has been reported in the region in recent weeks. Symptoms caused by P. nicotianae look similar to late blight. If you suspect late blight on potato or tomato please contact your county Extension office.
- Basil downy mildew has been reported in southern New Jersey on BDM susceptible sweet basil lines. All basil growers are encouraged to initiate a BDM specific fungicide program. To track the progress of BDM in the US please visit here.
- Black leg symptoms have been reported on potato vines. Growers should dig up a few hills with aerial black leg symptoms to see if bacteria has worked its way into developing tubers. If tubers “stink” then traditional black leg is present. If rotten tubers are present and have no smell, please contact your County agent so samples can be collected and tested.
- Bacterial leaf spot has been reported in tomato and pepper.
- Phytophthora blight has been reported in pepper and other crops.
- Angular leaf spot has been reported on cucurbit crops. Click here for a nice review of diagnosing angular leaf spot, bacterial leaf blight, downy mildew, and anthracnose in cucurbit crops from Dr. Beth Gugino, vegetable pathologist, at Penn State.
- Cucurbit powdery mildew has been reported. Apply and rotate fungicides that are specific for CPM control.
- The 2019 Fungicide Resistance Management Guide for Vegetable Crops in the mid-Atlantic Region is now available for FREE online.
- For more information on controlling these and other important diseases please see the 2019 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Guide. The guide is available for FREE online by following the links on the Plant and Pest Advisory website. Hardcopies of the 2019 guide can be purchased through your local county Extension office.
Vegetable IPM Update 7/10/19
Sweet Corn
Very low numbers of European corn borer (ECB) moths were again captured this past week, but not enough to generate a map image. These individuals likely represent the onset of a second flight. New feeding should occur after an increase in adults.
Growers should continue to scout whorl and pre-tassel stage plantings weekly and consider treating when infested plants exceed 12% in a 50 plant sample. As plantings proceed to the pre-tassel stage, ECB larvae may be found in emerging tassels. It is a good idea to treat individual plantings as they move into the full tassel/first silk stage one time. This eliminates any ECB larvae that have emerged with the tassels as they begin to move down the stalk to re-enter near developing ears.
Useful insecticides for this particular application include synthetic pyrethroids (IRAC Grp 3), spinosyns (including OMRI approved Entrust) IRAC Grp 5), and diamides such as Coragen (IRAC Grp 28) or materials such as Besiege which include the active ingredient in Coragen. Synthetic pyrethroids alone should NOT be used for corn earworm (CEW) protection on silking corn. Control with these materials is very inconsistent.
The highest nightly trap catches of ECB for the week ending 7/10/19 are as follows:
Crosswicks 1 |
Dayton 1 |
Matawan 1 |
Sergeantsville 1 |