Vegetable Disease Briefs – 7/23/12
Late blight Update
No Late blight has been reported in New Jersey this week.
Downy mildew – All basil growers should scout on a daily basis and should add a labeled downy mildew specific fungicide to their weekly fungicide program. Phosphite fungicides (FRAC code 33), such as Prophyt, K-Phite, and Rampart have shown the best efficacy in trials at RAREC. Actinovate (OMRI- approved) is also labeled for downy mildew control. Please remember, all abandoned basil fields should be worked under immediately after last harvest to kill the foliage! [Read more…]
Vegetable Briefs – 7/20/13
- Cucurbit downy mildew (CDM) has been reported on cucumber throughout the state. All cucurbit growers should scout their fields on a regular basis and should add downy mildew specific fungicides to their regular maintenance program. CDM should be making the jump from cucumber to other cucurbit crops soon, if it hasn’t already done so. If you find CDM on cucurbits besides cucumber please let us know. Once plantings are done being harvested they should be disced under or hit with gramoxone immediately. To track cucurbit downy mildew in the US please visit
- Cucurbit powdery mildew (CPM) This hot weather is ideal for cucurbit powdery mildew development. All growers should scout on a regular basis and continue with their regular maintenance programs. There are a number of fungicides available to control CPM. Please see the 2013 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations for more information. Organic cucurbit growers can apply OMRI-approved sulfur and other labeled products to help suppress CPM development.
Late blight update – 7/20/13
There have been no new reports of late blight in New Jersey this past week. Late blight was reported in Northeast OH, Western NY and Lancaster, PA this past week. The extremely hot, dry weather this week throughout NJ has most likely reduced the immediate threat of late blight, but growers should remain cautious because the pathogen could reappear anytime weather conditions favor its development (There is a threat of rainfall everyday this coming week). [Read more…]
Late Blight Update – 7/16/13
There have been no new reports of late blight in New Jersey or surrounding region over the past week. Importantly, now that late blight has been found in the region the threat for it to reappear will remain if weather conditions become favorable once again. The hot, dry weather forecasted this week should help reduce threat level for late blight developement.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew Found on Cucumber in Northern New Jersey
Cucurbit downy mildew was found in a research plot near Pittstown in northern New Jersey this week . All cucurbit growers should scout their fields on a regular basis and should add a downy mildew specific fungicide to thier weekly fungicide maintenance program. For current 2013 Cucurbit Downy and Powdery Mildew Management Guidelines please see post from 6/7/13. Additional information on the control of cucurbit downy mildew can be found in the 2013 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations.