Increasing Double-Cropped Soybean Yield
This 20-minute webcast is open access. Viewers can also opt to see a 5-minute executive summary version. This shorter executive summary version is permanently open access courtesy of the United Soybean Board. [Read more…]
Archives for June 2013
Soybean Double Cropping
Potato Disease Forecasting Report 6-18-13
Potato Disease Forecasting Report 6-18-13 – Click to Download
We will be tracking DSVs for Late blight development and calculating P-days for initiating the first early blight fungicide application.
The first late blight fungicide application is recommended once 18 DSVs accumulate from green row. Green row typically occurs around the first week in May in southern New Jersey. An early season application of a protectant fungicide such as mancozeb (Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb) or Bravo (chlorothalonil) as soon the field is accessible is suggested. Please be vigilant and keep a look out for suspect late blight infections on young plants. No late blight has been reported in our region to date.
Remember the threshold for P-days is 300! Once 300 P-days is reached for your location early blight fungicide applications should be initiated. Growers who are interested in using this model should chose the location above that is closest in proximity to their farming operation and should regularly check the Cornell NEWA website ( where this information is compiled from. Click on Pests Forecasts from the menu, select your weather station, and click on tomato diseases, set accumulation start date and a table of daily and total DSVs will be generated.
Tomato Disease Forecasting Report 6-18-13
6-18-13 Tomato Report – Click to Download
Disease severity values (DSVs) for early blight, septoria leaf spot, and tomato anthracnose development are determined daily based on leaf wetness (due to rainfall, dew) and air temperature.
On a daily basis DSV values can range from 0 to 4 where 0 = no chance for disease development to 4 = high chance for disease development.
DSVs are accumulated during the production season.Fungicide applications are based on an individually determined DSV threshold. The first fungicide application for the control of these three diseases is not warranted until 35 DSVs have accumulated from your transplanting date. After that, growers can base fungicide applications on different DSV thresholds.
Cranberry: Insect Update 6/17/2013
Bloom has started. If insects have been effectively managed prior to bloom, we recommend no sprays at this time. A reminder: when bees are present your only choices of insecticides are the Insect Growth Regulators –IGR- (e.g. Confirm and Intrepid) or Bt products (e.g. DiPel).
From now until August, we recommend monitoring insect populations using pheromone traps. [Read more…]
On-Farm Research in Cranberry: SPARG Trap Design & Color
In 2012 we started a study to compare the efficacy of different trap designs (delta versus wing traps) and colors (white versus red) on Sparganothis fruitworm (SPARG) adult captures. We found that red delta traps (Trécé Pherocon VI) are more effective than white delta traps. White delta traps also catch greater number of honey bees, and it is possible that this saturates the sticky traps. We are continuing this work and testing this hypothesis in 2013. Results from these studies will be presented at future grower meetings.
Cranberry IPM Supply Sources
Below is a list of where to get supplies for IPM programming. I have put together the following list for those of you who wish to purchase supplies. This is not an endorsement of any particular company. Some vendors are manufacturers, and sell direct, while others are only retailers.
Distributors, Dealers, Manufacturers
- Phero Tech, Inc., 7272 Progress Way, Delta, B.C. Canada V4G 1E9
800-665-0076, - Scentry Biologicals, Inc., 610 Central Ave., Billings, MT 59102
800-735-5323, - Suterra, LLC., 213 Southwest Columbia St., Bend, OR 97702
866-326-6737, - Trece, Inc., 7569 Highway 28 West, P.O. Box 129, Adair, OK 74330
866-785-1313, - Great Lakes IPM, 10220 Church Rd. NE, Vestaburg, MI 48891
800-235-0285, - IPM Tech. Inc., 4134 N. Vancouver Ave., #105, Portland, OR 97217
888-476-8727, - Gempler’s, P.O. Box 270, Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
800-382-8473, - AgBio, Inc., 9915 Raleigh St., Westminster, CO 80031
877-268-2020, - ISCA Technologies, P.O. Box 5266, Riverside, CA 92517