Through today’s announcement, USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) is extending crop insurance flexibilities for producers amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, relief provided for electronic notifications and signatures is extended through July 15, 2021; organic certification, replant self-certification and assignment of indemnity are extended through June 30, 2021. [Read more…]
Vegetable Crops Edition
Seasonal updates and alerts on insects, diseases, and weeds impacting vegetable crops. New Jersey Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations updates between annual publication issues are included.
Subscriptions are available via EMAIL and RSS.
Quick Links:
NJ Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations
Rutgers Weather Forecasting - Meteorological Information important to commercial agriculture.
USDA Extends Crop Insurance Flexibilities Amid Continuing COVID-19 Pandemic
Sweet Basil Virtual Workshop This Thursday and Friday
Managing Basil Under Increasingly Challenging Conditions, a virtual workshop, will be held this Thursday, Dec. 10, and Friday, Dec. 11. Hosted by University of Massachusetts in collaboration with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and the University of Florida as part of our USDA/SCRI/NIFA supported Sweet Basil Research Initiative, with Drs. Jim Simon and Andy Wyenandt of Rutgers co-coordinating the educational program for growers, Extension workers, researchers and industry reps.
The virtual sessions will be on the Zoom platform. Links and other means of connecting will be shared in another post before the meeting begins after you register here <>.
Click here to view the updated agenda. All meeting times are Eastern Standard Time running 9:00am to 5:15pm on Dec. 10, and 9:00am to 12:30pm on Dec. 11. Feel free to join in or leave at any time to learn about the topics that interest you.
Food Safety Training 2021
With the need to social distance and restrictions on the number of individuals allowed at a meeting we are holding all our food safety trainings online for the spring. Below is the list of trainings which are limited to 20 participants for each unless noted.
Produce Safety Alliance Training
The Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement outlined in § 112.22(c) that requires ‘At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully completed food safety training at least equivalent to that received under the standardized curriculum recognized as adequate by the Food and Drug Administration’. This is the only training recognized by the FDA at this time!
Fruit and vegetables growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and co-management of natural resources and food safety should also attend this training.
For the Produce Safety Alliance Training you must follow these requirements. You must have a computer or laptop with audio (microphone) and video (camera) capabilities. Video must be on for the entire course. Before signing up for this training please read the following: (right click on link below to open menu then click open link in new tab or just copy and paste link into your browser) Without these requirements you will not receive a certificate of completion.
What to Expect at the PSA Grower Training Course?
This is approximately a seven-hour course to cover these seven modules:
- Introduction to Produce Safety
- Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training
- Soil Amendments
- Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use
- Agricultural Water (Part I: Production Water; Part II: Postharvest Water)
- Postharvest Handling and Sanitation
- How to Develop a Farm Food Safety Plan
In addition to learning about produce safety best practices, parts of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements are outlined within each module and are included in the grower manual provided. There is time for questions and discussion, so participants are encouraged to share their experiences and produce safety questions.
Benefits of Attending the Course
The course provides a foundation of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and co-management information, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements, and details on how to develop a farm food safety plan. Individuals who participate in this course are expected to gain a basic understanding of:
- Microorganisms relevant to produce safety and where they may be found on the farm
- How to identify microbial risks, practices that reduce risks, and how to begin implementing produce safety practices on the farm
- Parts of a farm food safety plan and how to begin writing one
- Requirements in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how to meet them.
After attending the entire course, participants will be eligible to receive a certificate from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) that verifies they have completed the training course. To receive an AFDO certificate, a participant must be online for the entire training and submit the appropriate paperwork to the trainers at the end of the course.
Course Dates:
January 12 – 13 registration deadline December 31 (there is one slot available for these dates)
February 11 – 12 registration deadline January 28
March 9 – 10 registration deadline February 23
Third Party Audit Training
Each year we hold third party audit training for the USDA Harmonized Audit. This year it will be January 19. The deadline for registration is January 5 on Eventbrite. This one-day training will cover all aspects of the Harmonized Audit and any changes for 2021. NJDA will also review problems areas found during 2020 audits.
Blueberry Food Safety Training
The annual food safety training for blueberry growers will be held March 16. There are no restrictions on the number of participants, but you must register through Eventbrite since the training will be virtual. The deadline to register is March 2. Look in the January and February newsletters for more details.
How to Register for Courses
All registration are being handle through Eventbrite, go to an signup. If you are unable to register online contact Brandi at (856) 451-2800 x 1 or contact Brandi Williams at Each course costs $50.00 to cover the certificate and materials.
Integrated Weed Management Workshops (with functional registration link)
An Integrated Weed Management workshops organized by Virginia Tech, University of Delaware, and University of Maryland will be held virtually via Zoom on Tuesday Dec. 8th (first half of the meeting) and Tuesday Dec. 15th (second half of the meeting). On both days, participants can choose the time that works best for them: 8-10 am OR 6-8 pm. These workshops are free, but participants will need to register.
Session One: Tuesday Dec. 8th from 8-10 am OR 6-8 pm
- Herbicide Resistance- What is It?
- Mechanisms of Action-How to Choose Herbicides
- Creating Effective Herbicide Plans
Session Two: Tuesday Dec. 15th from 8-10 am OR 6-8 pm
- Integrated Management of Palmer Amaranth, Common Ragweed, and Marestail
- Local Farmer Perspectives on Resistance Weed Management
- Putting It All Together: Creating a Weed Management Plan
<a style=”background-color: #ffff00;” href=”″>Register here
Flyer available here
Program materials including an IWM guide, factsheets on herbicide resistant weeds, identification guides, and a special “Fight Weeds” facemask will be mailed to each participant prior to the meeting. Please include a valid mailing address.
Pesticide and CCA credits have been requested, but may not be available for all states.
Participants seeking CCA credits will need to confirm that they viewed the material to receive credit. State level programs require participants to correctly answer 4 of 5 webinar specific content questions to receive credits. Links to complete the quiz will be sent to the participants shortly after the scheduled session has been completed. In addition, a QR code (to navigate to the evaluation link) will be shared at the end of each webinar. NOTE: Only registered participants can access the questions and receive credit for attending the webinars. Only one completed quiz will be allowed for each registered email.