EPA Posts Draft Revised Biological Opinion for Malathion, Chlorpyrifos, and Diazinon for Public Comment
SARE Partnership Grant Applications Announced
The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SARE) has released its 2022 call for Partnership Grant program proposals.
Applicants are invited to request up to $30,000 in funding to address a topic related to sustainable agriculture. Proposed projects should seek innovative solutions to challenges or explore new opportunities that affect agricultural production, marketing and/or household and community well-being in Northeast farming and food systems. They must be conducted in one of the New England states, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C. or West Virginia and strengthen working partnerships with farmers to advance sustainable agriculture.
Proposals are due online by 5 p.m. ET on April 12
for more information, please visit
NJ Department of Agriculture “Jersey Raised” Livestock Pilot Program
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) is launching the “Jersey Raised” pilot marketing program for livestock raised in New Jersey. It will be the only official NJDA livestock marketing program.
This program is open to New Jersey producers of beef, bison, pork, goat, lamb/sheep, and poultry during this pilot period.
For more information Visit
Tomorrow’s Webinar and Poultry Biosecurity Resources
February 28, 2022,
In light of the High Path Avian Influenza detections in January and February in wild birds (mallards, geese, etc.) and domesticated birds (commercial poultry and backyard flocks) in several states including Delaware, Maine, and New York, please take a moment to become familiar with the following resources and attend the two webinars this week on March 1 at 7 pm and March 3 at 2:30 pm. See links at the bottom of this page.
USDA Current Outbreak Detections:
USDA Defend the Flock Steps:
USDA Defend the Flock Resources:
Information on the Indemnification Payment Eligibility and Process:
The NJ Dept. Agriculture information on High Path Avian Influenza link is: https://www.nj.gov/agriculture/divisions/ah/
The NJ Dept Agriculture Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory information is: https://nj.gov/agriculture/ahdl/
Upcoming Webinars to Attend this Week
Penn State Extension is hosting a webinar on HPAI and biosecurity in small poultry flocks. Tuesday March 01 at 7 – 8:30 pm. No charge. https://web.cvent.com/event/2076c179-f94c-4abb-bbfe-b19c6ad3190a/summary
USDA APHIS Defend the Flock program is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, March 3rd at 2:30pm ET for new or small flock owners this week as part of bird health awareness week. You can register for the webinar by using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mDQlu5S-SBK1nkEVsMODVQ
Additional Resources
Pasture Poultry Talk on High Path Avian Influenza: https://pasturedpoultrytalk.com/2022/02/18/a-discussion-on-highly-pathogenic-avian-influence-and-pastured-poultry/
NJDA and NJDEP to Address Pesticide License Recertification Issues
NJDA Secretary Fisher recently shared a memo regarding a number of private pesticide licensees who have not received their current licenses from the NJDEP Pesticide Bureau. Following is most of the text of that memo.
Through a recent meeting between NJDA and the NJDEP Pesticide Bureau staff, we have identified two primary areas that may need your particular attention to ensure your license remains active:
1.) Not receiving nor submitting their invoices via the postal service through the mail. In this case, licensees can get their invoices online through the NJDEP pesticide website by submitting their invoices to NJDEP for processing when received, even if there is a $0.00 (zero) dollar value.
2.) Lack of credits through either Core or PP2, or a combination of both. There is a 5-year time period for all licensees to get enough credits for their license. Courses are available online for licensees to get credits. Once the coursework is completed online, it should take approximately two weeks for the unit to process the information to post on their website. Directions below explain how to locate and pay for invoices (which must be submitted back to the unit for processing, even if it is a $0.00 [zero] dollar invoice).
Licensees can check on the number of credits they have acquired by going to the NJDEP pesticide webpage and following the directions posted there.
Below are the directions necessary to look up invoice numbers and then use said numbers to pay for a license online. Once again, we remind you paying your invoice online is a faster way to receive your license. All invoices, even if it’s $0.00 (zero) dollars need to be processed, otherwise your license will not be issued.
Please follow the NJDEP directions below:
Directions to locate an invoice number
- Go to www.pcpnj.org
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under heading About Us click on “Pesticides”
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and “Click here to view Links.”
- Under the heading Online Payments and Reports Click on the link labelled “Invoice Numbers for Unpaid License Invoices”
- Enter License number (make sure to capitalize any letters at the end or your license number) and other items
- Click Submit
Directions to pay for license online
- Go to www.pcpnj.org
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. Under heading About Us click on “Pesticides”
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and “Click here to view Links.”
- Under the heading Online Payments and Reports, click on the link labelled “Pay For Your License Online”
- Enter Invoice number (found on paper invoice, or previously located using our website using directions above)
- Enter License number (make sure to capitalize any letters at the end or your license number)
- Click Submit and follow prompts from there
Douglas H. Fisher
Check out your local USDA Plant Materials Center activities
” Plant Materials Centers publish an annual report to summarize significant Plant Materials related activities within a calendar year. The report provides information on new plant materials developments, studies and the results of activities or studies. As a whole, the reports can serve as a gauge of what resource needs are predominant in a particular area of the country and/or provide an illustration of the breadth of activities that occur at Plant Materials Centers. Further information on individual studies or activities in a report can often be found in links within the report or on the center’s webpage. ”
The following centers have planting programs of interest to NJ producers:
New Jersey – Cape May Plant Materials Center
New York – Big Flats Plant Materials Center
Maryland – Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center