Casoron will control most annual broadleaf weeds and suppress or control many perennial broadleaf weeds in cranberries, including redroot. Apply Casoron 4G to cranberry bogs after the winter flood has been removed, but before the vines break winter dormancy and begin to grow.
Annual Weed Control in Vineyards
The program for the control of annual weeds in the vineyard should consider the weed free strip under the trellis and the sod middles between the rows separately.

Good weed control eliminates weed competition, improves air circulation, and fungicide and insecticide spray coverage.
The “Weed Control Season” starts in late fall, after harvest. The program implemented in the spring depends on what herbicides were applied the previous fall. If herbicides were applied in late fall, applications can be delayed until later in the spring. Residual herbicides should be applied in late winter or early spring after the soil is no longer frozen, if no late fall treatment was applied. [Read more…]
Lettuce Weed Control
Work continues to progress toward reinstating the Kerb label for leaf lettuce, but has not been completed and is not expected to be completed in time for use in this year. [Read more…]
Weed Control in Onions
Weed control in onions can be difficult. Effective preemergence herbicides do not provide acceptable annual broadleaf control. Postemergence herbicides cannot be applied until the crop has 2 or 3 true leaves plus the flag leaf. [Read more…]
Orchard Sod Weed Control
Managed sod row middles have many advantages, and have been adopted by many tree fruit growers. They provide a firm drive path for spring spraying of insecticides and fungicides, prevent or reduce soil erosion, and improve soil tilth by increasing soil organic matter. Broadleaf weeds in the sod should be controlled. Weeds are alternate hosts for insects diseases, and nematodes, and weeds in bloom can attract natural pollinators into the orchard throughout the spring and summer. Many insecticides warn against use when bloom is present in the orchard.
[Read more…]Asparagus Weed Control
Maintaining an asparagus field weed free during the two month harvest season requires a planned herbicide application prior to spear emergence.
Choose a postemergence herbicide or tillage to control emerged weeds, and residual herbicides to control annual grasses, and annual broadleaf weeds during harvest. [Read more…]