Based on our degree-day (DD) model for Sparganothis fruitworm, peak flight is expected at around 884 DD and first eggs hatched expected at 895 DD (see chart). As of June 21, Sparganothis has accumulated 951 DD (using April 15 as biofix). This indicates that we have passed peak flight and eggs have just started to hatch. I will keep you updated as the season progresses.
Archives for June 2018
Fruit IPM For June 20, 2018
Special Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: SWD on All Small Fruit and Cherries: ANY GROWER with caneberries, strawberries, blueberries, other smooth thin skinned small fruit, and cherries, should be on an SWD program. Adults are laying eggs and internal larvae have already been seen in non-treated plantings and reported by growers in northern counties.
Potato | Tomato Disease Forecast 6-19-18
Click to View | Download Report 6-19-18
We will be tracking DSVs for Late blight development and calculating P-days for initiating the first early blight fungicide application.
The first late blight fungicide application is recommended once 18 DSVs accumulate from green row. Green row typically occurs around the first week in May in southern NJ. An early season application of a protectant fungicide such as mancozeb (Dithane, Manzate, Penncozeb) or Bravo (chlorothalonil) as soon as the field is accessible is suggested. Please be vigilant and keep a lookout for suspect late blight infections on young plants. No late blight has been reported in our region to date.
Remember the threshold for P-days is 300! Once 300 P-days is reached for your location, early blight fungicide applications should be initiated. Growers who are interested in using this model should choose the location above that is closest in proximity to their farming operation and should regularly check the Cornell NEWA website ( where this information is compiled from. Click on Pests Forecasts from the menu, select your weather station, and click on tomato diseases, set accumulation start date, and a table of daily and total DSVs will be generated.
Disease severity values (DSVs) for early blight, septoria leaf spot, and tomato anthracnose development are determined daily based on leaf wetness (due to rainfall, dew) and air temperature.
On a daily basis DSV values can range from 0 to 4 where 0 = no chance for disease development to 4 = high chance for disease development. DSVs are accumulated during the production season.
Fungicide applications are based on an individually determined DSV threshold. The first fungicide application for the control of these three diseases is not warranted until 35 DSVs have accumulated from your transplanting date. After that, growers can base fungicide applications on different DSV thresholds.
Reports generated by Ryan Tirrell
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
2018 Cranberry Growers Twilight Meeting
We would like to invite all cranberry growers to the 2018 Cranberry Growers Twilight Meeting.
Location: P.E. Marucci Center, 125A Lake Oswego Rd., Chatsworth, NJ
Date: July 03, 2018
Time: 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M
5:00-5:30 PM “Pesticide Regulation and Safety Update”, Patricia Hastings, Pesticide Safety Education Program Coordinator
5:30-6:00 PM Dinner
6:00-6:30 PM “Monitoring for Cranberry Insects”, Dr. Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Extension Specialist, Entomology
6:30-7:00 PM “Update on Cranberry Diseases”, Dr. Peter Oudemans, Extension Specialist, Pathology
7:00-7:30 PM “Update on Herbicide Registration and Weed Management for NJ Cranberry”, Dr. Thierry Besancon, Assistant Extension Specialist, Weed Science
7:30-8:00 PM “Frost Damage in Cranberries”, Dr. Nicholi Vorsa, Professor and Director, Rutgers P.E, Marucci Center
Pesticide credits will be issued at the conclusion of the meeting.
Cucurbit Downy Mildew ALERT – 6/22/18
Cucurbit downy mildew was confirmed on cucumber in Dorchester County, Maryland on 6/21/18. This is the first report of CDM in the mid-Atlantic region this growing season. All cucumber growers are encouraged to add downy mildew specific fungicides to their weekly maintenance spray programs. All growers should scout cucumber plantings as well as all other cucurbit crops for symptoms. To track the progress of cucurbit downy mildew in the US through the CDMpipe website through NCSU please click here.
Fruit IPM for 5/14/18
Oriental Fruit Moth (OFM): Second generation adults are flying in southern counties, and are just starting to fly in northern counties. [Read more…]