Sparganothis fruitworm (SPARG) – If your farm has high pheromone trap counts, you should consider managing this pest as soon as bees are removed. The timing for this 1st post-pollination spray is at 2 weeks after peak pheromone trap catches, which usually coincides with the second week in July. [Read more…]
Archives for July 2014
Post-bloom Insect Pest Control Recommendations
Farm Food Safety: Irrigation Water Sampling
Testing irrigation water for generic E. coli is something that every farm should do. Timing and frequency of this testing varies depending on your water source. Here is a cheat sheet: [Read more…]
Controlling Cucurbit Downy Mildew
Once cucurbit downy mildew (CDM) is detected in the mid-Atlantic region (as of yesterday in Maryland) all cucurbit growers in New Jersey should begin to include downy mildew specific fungicides in their weekly fungicide programs on all cucurbit crops.
Correction of White Pine Weevil Injury
Damage from previously active White Pine Weevil larvae (Pissodes strobi) has been evident for the past several weeks on Eastern white pine, Norway spruce, Siberian spruce, Colorado blue spruce, & Douglas-fir. The larvae began feeding within the terminal leaders last April. When the terminal leader is heavily infested, larvae feed side by side in a ring encircling the stem. By late spring or early summer, most White Pine Weevil larvae have pupated & emerged as adults. The terminal leader has become stunted and wilted. It is too late in the season to save the leader and it should be pruned out. To re-establish a new leader and retain the desirable Christmas tree shape read further & follow the procedures suggested.
Veg IPM Update: Week Ending 7/2/14
Vegetable IPM Report 7-2-14 – Click to View | Download | Print
Maps for the Week
–European Corn Borer Map
–Corn Earworm Moth Pheromone Trap MapTopics for the Week
- Sweet Corn
- Peppers
- Pepper Weevil Report
- Tomatoes
- Pumpkins and Winter Squash