Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014
Time: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Location: Rutgers Agricultural Research & Extension Center
121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ [Read more…]
Archives for January 2014
South Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Grower Meeting
Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum February 18, 2014
Members of New Jersey’s agricultural community who have an interest in advancing soil health and cover crops in New Jersey are invited to participate free of charge in the National Cover Crops and Soil Health Forum.
The forum will bring together key leaders, researchers, innovators and policy makers in American agriculture to examine the benefits, opportunities and challenges associated with improving the health and function of our soils through the adoption of soil health management systems.
Click to View | Download | Print flyer for Registration information.
Date: February 18, 2014 @ 9:15am
Locations: Live Internet Connection to National Presentations followed by Local Grower Discussion
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2014 Tree Fruit Meetings for Commercial Growers
A full slate of tree fruit meetings sponsored by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station and Rutgers Cooperative Extension have been scheduled for the upcoming 2014 growing season.
The season begins with:
- South Jersey Tree Fruit Meeting –
February 13@ RAREC Note: New Date Feb 14 - North Jersey Fruit Meeting – March 7 @ Warren Grange
These annual “winter” meetings are followed by a series of evening fruit meetings in both northern and southern NJ throughout April, May, and early June. Some of these latter evening meetings will be at grower sites. The meeting season culminates with the RAREC Fruit Research Field Day on June 26, which will include visits to research vineyards as well as orchards.
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NJ Agriculture Convention and Trade Show
Date: February 4-6, 2014
Location: Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, NJ
Complete program and registration materials are available now at the NJ Vegetable Growers Association website.
Hope to see you in AC!
How Cold Did it Get?
Mitigating Losses to Pepper Anthracnose

Pepper Anthracnose
In recent years, pepper anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. has become a significant problem on some farms in southern New Jersey.
Unlike in tomato, where symptoms are only present in mature (red) fruit, pepper anthracnose can infect pepper fruit at any growth stage. [Read more…]