-Stephen Komar
I have seen a marked increase in the number of pastures and hay fields infested with Horsenettle this season. This weed is a major concern since it can limit the marketability of hay due to the sharp prickles found on the stem and can quickly take over a field due to the large number of seeds produced and spreading rhizomes. Fall herbicide applications can be effective in managing this weed.
For more information, please visit the Mid-Atlantic Pasture Management Guide.
Archives for August 2012
Horsenettle in Pasture and Hayfields
Reducing Weed Seed Production in Harvested Fields
By WCU Editor
Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; mjv@udel.edu
Corn harvest has begun in some areas and the drought has resulted in large areas with stunted plants and very poor leaf development for shading weeds. Both of these situations have created conditions for late season weed growth that could result in significant weed
Source: Weekly Crop Update
Farm Food Safety: Field Harvest and Field Packing Activities
Part 10 of Preparing Your Farm Food Safety Plan
– Meredith Melendez and Wes Kline
Part 10 of your farm food safety plan addresses field harvest and field packing activities. Your plan should document your actives and your pre-harvest assessment log. Field harvest assessment should be made the day prior to starting to harvest to ensure everything is in place to reduce the chance for product contamination. We covered the specifics of the pre-harvest assessment log in article number 6 of this series. If a field is harvested over several days each morning the assessment is repeated.
The following statements should be included in your Field Harvest and Field Packing Activities section: [Read more…]
Vegetable Alert: Cucurbit Downy Mildew on Pumpkin
Alert Date: 8/10/2012
Pest: Cucurbit Downy Mildew on pumpkin
Location: Cucurbit downy mildew has been confirmed on pumpkins in Middlesex County. This is the first report on pumpkin this growing season. [Read more…]
Farm Food Safety: Farm Irrigation Waters, Animals, Previous Land Use
Part 9 of Preparing Your Farm Food Safety Plan
– Meredith Melendez and Wes Kline
This is the ninth article in a series dedicated to preparing a farm food safety plan. Remember you may not need a third party audit; it depends on who is purchasing your produce. However, everyone should have a food safety plan.
The farm review is an overview of how you minimize the chance of contamination through irrigation waters, wild animals and past land use. This can be as simple as three paragraphs, one focusing on irrigation waters, the next on wild animal activity on the farm and the last on the previous use of the land. The following items should be included: [Read more…]
Cleaning Equipment to Prevent Spreading Weed Problems Around
By WCU Editor
Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist; mjv@udel.edu
This summer has been very challenging for weed control so I want to remind you to not spread the problems around the farm or from farm to farm. I believe that a lot of our new weed infestations are due to transporting seed on
Source: Weekly Crop Update