USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service has a resourceful video on ‘Protecting Cereal Grains from Stem Rust’ available on their website at
An image gallery of stem rust pictures is available at

Picture provided by USDA Image Gallery
“Stem rust (also known as black rust) was once the most feared disease of cereal crops worldwide. In the U.S., it has not been as damaging since the 1950’s due to the development of resistant cultivars with earlier maturity; however, outbreaks may occur when new pathogen races appear.” – USDA
Additional videos available on the USDA interactive plant protection pest maps include:
- Citrus Disease, and Citrus Disease Federal Quarantines
- Domestic Data Improvement Initiative
- Imported Fire Ants Quarantined Areas
- Emerald Ash Borer Story Map
- Federal Gypsy Moth Quarantines
- Commodity Based Resource and Assistance Specialist Team