In general, our orchards went into the winter in good shape and there weren’t many severe temperature fluctuations until this cold snap, so hopefully not much damage occurred. A brief examination of orchards and vineyards in southern county cold spots revealed no obvious signs of southwest injury on fruit trees or vine die-back which were my main concerns. I do not expect much bud damage to tree fruit occurred although I intend to collect some twig samples and force them to see.
Extreme events like we’ve just experienced are why we generally recommend to delay pruning stone fruit for as long as is practicable. Although definitive research is lacking, anecdotal evidence suggests pruning may make fruit trees less hardy. Pruning pome fruit and native grapes should not be a problem at this time. Pruning of vinefera varieties is best delayed until late winter or spring. Harold Larsen in Co. has a useful fact sheet explaining how to determine bud damage from freeze events. This will be handier as we get closer to spring of course.