Governor Murphy issued Executive Order (EO) No. 192 on October 28 which goes into effect November 5, 2020. Note: This does not only apply to agriculture, but all employers and employees. This EO reenforces what has been in several EO over the year. The main points follow:
- Requires that individuals at a worksite maintain at least six feet of distance from one another to the maximum extent possible. If the distance can not be maintained employees must wear masks provided by the employer and install physical barriers between each workstation wherever possible.
- Requires employees, customers, visitors, and other individuals entering the worksite to wear cloth or disposable face masks while on the premises. The employer may be required to provide a customer or visitor who declines to wear a mask due to a disability services or goods via a reasonable accommodation unless the accommodation would pose an undue hardship on the employer’s operation. However, the employer or employee can not ask the individual for medical documentation.
- Employers must make available, at their expense, face masks for their employees
- Employers may deny entry to the worksite to any employee who declines to wear a face mask. If an employee states, they cannot wear a face mask for medical reasons the employer can require the employee to produce medical documentation.
- The employer must provide sanitization materials such as alcohol (at least 60%) hand sanitizers and wipes to employees, customers, and visitors at no cost to those individuals.
- Employers may require employees to wear gloves if so, the employer must provide the gloves.
- There must be a routine cleaning and disinfect program for high-touch areas in accordance with NJDOH and CDC guidelines.
- Prior to beginning to work there must be daily health checks of employees. This can be temperature screenings (temperature below 100.4 F), visual symptoms checking, self-assessment checklists and/or health questionnaires consistent with CDC guidance and confidentiality requirements.
- Immediately separate and send home employees who appear to have symptoms and promptly notify all employees of any known exposure, consistent with ADA confidentiality requirements.
- Clean and disinfect the worksite in accordance with CDC guidelines when an employee at the site has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- The Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) has setup a complaint system process.
- The DOLWD is to provide compliance and safety training for employers and employees plus informational materials.