Throughout much of NJ during this week, the growing degree days (GDD) will be increasing consistently. By the end of the week, many areas will exceed 90 GDD, which means the eastern tent caterpillars will begin to hatch. Not all eggs will hatch at once since a staggered hatching period will potentially increase survival rates if the weather happens to cool again.
The photographs of the eastern tent caterpillar’s life cycle included in this blog were all taken during the spring of 2016 at the same site in Freehold, NJ. They are placed in chronological order covering a time span of 10 weeks from 1st egg hatch on 3/23/16 to late pupation on 6/2/16. In 2016, central NJ experienced a relatively warm early spring that enabled the speedy first hatching.

Date: 3/23/16 (No hatch). Do you see it? One inch long Tent Cat egg mass overwinters encircling 2-3 year old twigs. (Photo Credit: Steven K. Rettke, Rutgers Coop. Ext.)

Date: 3/23/16 (No Hatch). Close-up of the Tent Cat egg mass. It has the appearance & feel of styrofoam. (Photo Credit: Steven K. Rettke, Rutgers Coop. Ext.)