- Plum Curculio
- Aphids
- Thrips
- Leafrollers and Other Leps
- Cranberry Fruitworm
- First Post-Pollination Insecticide Options
Fruit Crops Edition - Blueberry Section
Seasonal updates on diseases, insects, weeds impacting small fruit (blueberry, cranberry, and wine grape). Fruit Pest Alerts are also available via this category feed.
Subscription is through the general Fruit feed available via EMAIL and RSS.
Blueberry IPM for 5-22-13
Blueberry IPM for 5-15-13
From the Blueberry Bulletin
Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Extension Specialist in Blueberry Entomology
Dean Polk, IPM Agent – Fruit
Gene Rizio, IPM Program Associate – Fruit
Aphids: About 32% of shoot samples are positive for aphid infestation. As was the case last week, these are single aphids. They have not started to multiply into colonies. At this early stage searches should be done on the lowest shoot terminals. This is also where worm larvae are more likely to show up. [Read more…]
Fruit IPM Report for 5/15/2013
- Peach
- Apple
- Scouting Calendar
- Blueberry
- Trap Counts
Fruit IPM Report for 5/9/2013
- Peach
- Apple
- Scouting Calendar
- Blueberry
- Trap Counts
Blueberry Diseases
- Blueberry Scorch Disease
- Phomopsis Twig Blight
- Blueberry Shock Virus
- Anthracnose
Blueberry bloom is progressing nicely and bee activity seems reasonably good. Our biggest enemies are wind and cold. Botrytis does not seem to be developing in blueberry fields and should not pose any risk in the next 7-days. Anthracnose is our biggest disease concern at this point. Hopefully all conventional growers will have made one application of Ziram and will be looking at an application of Abound next week.
[Read more…]
Malathion Blueberry Label
We were just notified on late Wednesday afternoon that the Gowan 24C label was approved for use in NJ blueberries. This label is for the Gowan Malathion 8 Flowable, and gives us a maximum of 2 applications at 2.5 pt (lb ai) per acre, with a 1 day PHI. See label NJ Malathion 8 Flowable
We are still waiting on the Cheminova and Loveland labels.