Covering Public Safety, Engineering and Agriculture
in collaboration with RCE Specialists & Agents
Friday, May 31 – 9am-1pm
Mays Landing campus Student Center
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Commercial Ag Updates + Farm Food Safety
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Ag Agents provide updates on what they see in the field, upcoming events, and other important news that affects your operation, such as developments in on-farm Food Safety. Subscribe if you wish to be notified about workshops, meetings, and upcoming commercial ag events.
Subscriptions are available via EMAIL and RSS.
Atlantic-Cape Community College Offers DRONE DAY – A Learning Symposium
Ag Special Use Permits on State Owned Land – Bidding Open Until 3pm, Friday March 1.
The NJ Department of Environmental Protection is putting out to bid Agriculture Special Use Permits on land owned by the Department and managed by the Division of Fish and Wildlife. The Special Use Permits (SUP) will afford more farmers access to agricultural opportunities on State lands. For generations, the Department has worked closely with farmers to the mutual benefit of agriculture, our natural resources, and our resource users.
The bids are open to all interested farmers. Bids must be received by 3:00 p.m. Friday, March 1, 2019.
For information about individual farm parcels and submitting a bid, visit the SUP Bid Forms and Information Packets page.
Computer Glitch at NJDEP Deletes Some Pesticide Licensees
The NJ DEP Pesticide Bureau reported there was a major glitch in their electronic system in late Nov/Dec and some individual’s information was deleted – causing delays in license renewals.
They corrected that problem in late Jan restoring the lost information on their website shortly after that. However, if you still haven’t received your renewed license, please email your the name to so it can be resolved.
March 15 Crop Insurance Sales Closing Deadline Approaching
March 15, the next Crop Insurance Sales Closing Deadline, is the last date you can purchase a policy for the following insurable crops in New Jersey for 2019:
- Corn/Silage
- Spring Forage Seeding
- Grain Sorghum
- Oats
- Soybeans
- Processing Beans
- Processing Tomatoes
- Fresh Market Sweet Corn
- as well as Whole Farm Revenue Protection
Contact your private crop insurance provider for details.
March 7 Seminar at NJAES, New Brunswick Open to Public

Marjorie B. Kaplan, Dr.P.H. Associate Director, Rutgers Climate Institute Rutgers University 14 College Farm Road New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-8551 848-932-5739 (phone) 732-932-8644 (fax) email: Website: Follow us on facebook Follow us on twitter
Romaine: What happened and where do we go from here?
The Rutgers Cooperative Extension Food Safety Team invites you to attend a Town Hall Meeting to learn the roles of the Food and Drug Administration, New Jersey Department of Agriculture and the New Jersey Department of Health in the 2018 Romaine foodborne illness outbreaks and what the plans are for the future.
The meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 15, 2019 from 9:00 am to noon at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Cumberland County, 291 Morton Ave. in Millville, NJ 08332.
Douglas H. Fisher, NJ Secretary of Agriculture; Tom Beaver, Director of NJDA Division of Marketing and Development; Chris Kleinguenther, Bureau Chief of NJDA Division of Marketing and Development; and Wesley Kline, Rutgers Cooperative Extension will discuss the steps that were taken for past outbreaks and what can be done for future outbreaks.
This event is free, and lunch will be served. Please RSVP to Charlotte at or 856-839-3377 on or before February 13 if you are planning to attend.