Rutgers Tree Fruit Breeding program, spearheaded by Dr. Joseph Gofredda, continues to release new varieties, giving growers more options to choose from. Five new and exciting Peach and Nectarine varieties were developed after extensive multi-year evaluations at several location in New Jersey, representing different agro-climates. Additionally, three-year post-harvest evaluations of fruit quality were performed at Pomology Lab at Rutgers Agriculture Research and Extension Center (RAREC) in Bridgeton. Fruit and tree characteristics of these new peach and nectarine varieties are described below. [Read more…]
Time to Hill-Up your Grapevines is NOW!
Winter injury is a crucial limiting factor to wine grape production in the New Jersey. Following the harsh winter of 2013-14, almost 85% of vineyards reported various degrees of cold damage. Often, the cold injury results in the development of Crown gall disease, which causes gall formation around the trunk and graft unions, which can lead to vine decline or death. One particularly useful way to reduce winter injury is to protect the graft union from the cold by covering, or Hilling-up, the base of the vines with soil to protect the graft union. Right time to hill-up is after the harvest and before the ground is hard frozen – that is now!
Factsheet 1264 details the following important aspects of hilling-up to protect the graft union from cold damage.
- The principle of Hilling-up – How the soil works, both as a thermal mass that holds the heat and insulator that slows heat loss.
- How to perform effective hilling-up using available and specialized implements.
- Cost benefits of using the implements.
- Challenges such as, timing, preventing damage to the drip lines and to trunks during hilling-up; and how to address those challenges.
- The process of hilling down in the spring to prevent root formation above the graft union and proper weed management.
Save the Date
South Jersey Tree Fruit Twilight Meeting – I
5 – 7:30 pm, April 4
@ Gloucester County Extension Office, 1200 N. Delsea Drive, Bldg. # A, Clayton, NJ 08312
Detailed program flyer available at: South Jersey Tree Fruit Twilight – I
Pesticide re-certification credits – CORE (2), 1A (4), PP2 (4) and 10 (4)
Light fare will be provided. Please call Joan Medany or call 856-307-6450 ex.1 if you are planning to attend.
For any question contact Hemant Gohil (Program Organizer) at 856-307-6450 Ext 1 prior to the meeting.
South Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Growers Meeting
2018 South Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Growers Meeting Program
Date: February 15, 2018 (8:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Location: Rutgers Agricultural Research & Extension Center, 121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ
Pre-Registration: Required, by February 11th, contact: Susan Bradbury (
(856) 455-3100 x4101 or Karen Holton ( (856) 455-3100 x4104
Cost / person: $15.00 (checks preferred, made out to Rutgers University), lunch Included
Pesticide Credits Category: Core (2); 10 (6); 1A (07); 3A (07); 3B (01); & PP2 (07). [Read more…]
2018 Grapevine Pruning Workshop
When: February 22 (Thu), 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Where: Rutgers Agriculture Research and Extension Center
121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ 08312
Topics: – Assessing Cold Injuries in the Grapevine Buds.
Balanced Pruning and Ravaz Index.
How to Prune First and Second Year Grapevines on High Cordon and Low Cordon Training Systems.
Speakers: Hemant Gohil, Agriculture Agent, REC Gloucester County
Daniel Ward, Extension Fruit Specialist, Rutgers NJAES
Gary Pavlis, Agriculture Agent, REC Atlantic County
No registration fees, however Pre-registration is required. Register by call Joan Medany 856-307-6450 Ext.1 or email
Organizer: Hemant Gohil, Gloucester County Agriculture Agent and New Jersey Center for Wine Research and Education
South Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Growers Meeting
2018 South Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Growers Meeting Program
Date: February 15, 2018 (8:00 am – 2:00 pm)
Location: Rutgers Agricultural Research & Extension Center, 121 Northville Road, Bridgeton, NJ
Pre-Registration: Required, by February 11th, contact: Susan Bradbury (
(856) 455-3100 x4101 or Karen Holton ( (856) 455-3100 x4104
Cost / person: $15.00 (checks preferred, made out to Rutgers University), lunch Included
Pesticide Credits Category: Core (2); 10 (6); 1A (07); 3A (07); 3B (01); & PP2 (07). [Read more…]