Spring seeded spinach weed control recommendations are limited to Ro-Neet (if available) and Dual Magnum.
Incorporate Ro-Neet immediately after application to prevent loss by evaporation. Reduce the rate of Ro-Neet applied and/or delay seeding for one week after application to reduce the possibility of crop injury when soils are cold. Consider omitting Ro-Neet in very early seedings on coarse textured soil IF some hand weeding to control common lambsquarter is acceptable.
Apply Dual Magnum to the soil surface immediately after seeding at 0.33 to 0.66 pints per acre, depending on soil type and organic matter. Use no more than 0.33 pints per acre on coarse textured soils such as loamy sands and sandy loams. Use 0.5 pints per acre on medium textured soils such as loams with more than 25 organic matter or silt loams with less than 2% organic matter. Use 0.66 pints on fine textured soils such as silt loams with more than 2% organic matter, or clay loams.
The use of Dual Magnum for weed control in spinach is legal ONLY if a waiver of liability has been completed. The waiver of liability can be completed on the Syngenta website, FarmAssist®. Go to the website farmassist.com and register (or sign in if previously registered), then under “products” on the toolbar, click on indemnified labels and follow the instructions.
Consult the Commercial Production Recommendations additional information.