- All cucurbit growers are encouraged to scout their fields on a regular basis and continue to use a downy mildew specific fungicide program. Fungicides that are specific to CDM should be included in weekly fungicide maintenance programs for cucurbit powdery mildew control. To track the progress of CDM in the US please visit the CDMpipe forecasting website here.
- Basil downy mildew has been reported in New Jersey on BDM susceptible and resistant sweet basil lines. All basil growers should continue to scout and follow a BDM specific fungicide program even when using DMR varieties. To track the progress of BDM in the US please visit here.
- Downy mildew has been reported in turnip greens. Growers who have fall leafy greens and cole crops should scout daily and be proactive and initiate a regular downy mildew specific fungicide program. Although its been relatively dry, spotty showers, cooler nights, and longer periods of dew (leaf wetness) have made conditions ideal for downy mildew development across a number of susceptible crops.
- Pepper anthracnose continues to be reported.
- The 2019 Fungicide Resistance Management Guide for Vegetable Crops in the mid-Atlantic Region is now available for FREE online.
- For more information on controlling these and other important diseases please see the 2019 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Guide. The guide is available for FREE online by following the links on the Plant and Pest Advisory website. Hardcopies of the 2019 guide can be purchased through your local county Extension office.
September 18, 2019 Andy Wyenandt