The hot, then windy, then wet weather these past few weeks have brought with it prolonged windy days and rain to many areas. In general, this type of weather is ideal for the development and spread of many vegetable diseases.
By now most growers are on weekly protectant fungicide programs to help prevent disease development. It’s important to remember at this point in the season when disease pressure is high that growers stick with their standard fungicide programs.
Growers should not replace fungicides with disinfestant-type products in their weekly fungicide programs.
Remember, disinfestants only kill what they come into direct and immediate contact with and do not offer any residual activity like fungicides do. Disinfestants should be used in conjunction with weekly fungicide programs and be applied based on specific weather events such as following rainfall or overhead irrigation or after certain cultural practices such as tying or pruning where plant injury or wounding may occur.