Pepper weevil adults have been found now in four non-farm locations in south Jersey. In each instance the trapped weevils were likely brought into the state on, or in, peppers from the southern US or Mexico.
Since April 15, 2013, we have captured 65 weevils on yellow sticky traps. Of course, it is not what was captured that is important but the ones we haven’t caught. There is no way to predict what this will mean in terms of farm and field infestations this season. There are no pepper fields in close proximity to two of the locations where weevils were caught. Any weevils that escaped being trapped might not survive long enough to reproduce on peppers or nightshade.
Currently pepper weevil pheromone traps have been placed in many farm and agri-business locations around south Jersey. The farm community will be alerted if more weevils in new locations are captured.