I heard through the grapevine about a site with some dead boxwoods, so I went to take a look and here is what I saw.
Orange is the New Black
I went out to walk my orange dog this morning and wound up with orange shoes. And no, the orange dust all over my shoes was not orange dog dandruff, but masses of rust spores.
Rust Never Sleeps
Happy Labor Day, which was yesterday of course, but I had the day off and hope you did too, and were out in your garden enjoying the diseased and insect riddled plants.
Wave That Flag
… summertime gonna come and go by and by. As the weather changes from the dog days of summer to a more “fall-like” pattern, I am feeling pretty good; but so is the fungus that causes dollar spot.
‘Tis the Season
Bacterial leaf scorch (BLS) season is officially upon us. Over the last 7 to- 10 days, I have been seeing increasing numbers of red oaks in central New Jersey exhibit the tell-tale symptoms of the disease.
Touch of Gray
Everybody keeps asking me “any gray leaf spot yet?” And I answer, “why yes, but not where you think.” Gray leaf spot was diagnosed last week on samples of Hakonechloa that were submitted from a central New Jersey nursery grower.