While the warm weather has allowed many of us to get out and enjoy the outdoors, you may have noticed the winter damage in many landscapes. Winter traffic problems can be dramatic. Sod displacement is very common in turf grown along sidewalks, parking lots and streets where snow removal is […]
Winter Damage
Annual Bluegrass Seedhead Suppression
In weed management on golf courses, annual bluegrass (Poa annua) seedhead (inflorescence) suppression often kicks off the growing season. Plant growth regulators can be used to suppress seedhead production if applications are properly timed. Much like pre-emergence herbicides that are not effective if applied after weed emergence, PGRs are less effective if applied too late. […]
Licensing for Mosquito Control – Category 8B
Killing Freezes… Finally
Many people are pleased that typical winter temperatures have taken so long to show up. Below are some interesting observations from early- to mid-winter in New Brunswick. Relatively warm soil temperatures (as high as mid-60s °F) stimulated growth late into December.
Dandelion bloom on 15 December 2015 in New Brunswick.
Take(-all) it to the Limit
A sample diagnosed with take-all patch of creeping bentgrass was the highlight of the turfgrass submissions to the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory this week. This sample marks the first in the seasonal transition on golf courses from diseases common to late-winter and early-spring (snow molds/yellow patch) to the late-spring and early-summer problems (take-all/brown ring patch). Yes, it was an exciting day for the turfgrass pathologist!