Casoron will control most annual broadleaf weeds and suppress or control many perennial broadleaf weeds in cranberries, including redroot. Apply Casoron 4G to cranberry bogs after the winter flood has been removed, but before the vines break winter dormancy and begin to grow.
Use 50 to 75 pounds per acre on most bogs. Consider increasing the rate, up to but not over 100 pounds per acre, only where perennial broadleaf weeds are severe and where organic matter is high. Research at Rutgers Blueberry/Cranberry Research and Extension Center has indicated that Casoron 4G applied at 150 pounds per acre (6.0 lb ai/A), caused temporary yellowing of foliage around the leaf margins of treated vines in mid summer and slight to moderate yield reductions. The rate of 150 pounds per acre Casoron 4G is two to three times the recommended rate. Treatment at this high rate for four consecutive years did not result in increased injury, or thin or kill the vines, however. The results do indicate that the margin of crop safety is narrow and care is needed to insure that the recommended rate is applied. Calibrate applicators carefully, and do not apply Casoron 4G (or any other pesticide) while turning in odd shaped bogs.
Casoron may not provide full season grass control. Apply Quinstar 4L (except Ocean Spray growers) or Devrinol, or plan to make postemergence applications of Poast to control annual grasses.